Are you looking for a long lost twin? Twin children?
Twin friends? Feel free to add your information on this page.

Click on the button above, and be sure to add as
many details as possible!
blonde hair blue eyes tall skinny pretty 13 years old dob 3/24/92 please help me find my twin i was adopted.
Courtney Schorzman <>
east helena, mt USA - Thursday, April 14, 2005 at 10:48:19 (EDT)
Has recently come up that I might have a twin, seperated at birth, but my parents won't talk about it. If anyone has any information I would love to know. Born in England, Dipton, on 26th November 1987. I'm 6ft, brown/green eyes, curly brown hair. Don't know if we're identitcal twins or not, or even if my twin is a boy or a girl. If you have any information, please contact me!
Vicky <>
Belgium - Monday, April 11, 2005 at 07:23:49 (EDT)
i want to meet twins like me to make good friend wite
odion otoide <>
benin, edo nigeria - Tuesday, April 05, 2005 at 18:10:05 (EDT)
imma twin searching 4 a nother cool pair of twins
Nunya <>
Providence, RI USA - Monday, April 04, 2005 at 19:02:11 (EDT)
A few years ago, my twin brother and me, we gained the contest of more resembling twin of Switzerland. If you want other photo, contact me.
Davy Claude <>
Colombier, NE Switzerland - Wednesday, March 16, 2005 at 13:29:51 (EST
I am looking for my siblings.My Mother gave birth to quadruplets the summer possibly of 1941 or 42 at Conesville, Ohio.they were either placed in homes or adopted.Maybe placed and split up as twins. She married 1944
Marilee Chase Arnold <>
Ocala, Fl USA - Monday, March 07, 2005 at 10:22:31 (EST)
looking for my twin sister, she was born with cerebral palsy on Feb 15, 1973, and put into foster care at the age of 5. Joanna Millard born in Murrayville, B.C. Canada.
jeanette millard <>
oceanside, ca USA - Monday, February 21, 2005 at 01:51:17 (EST)
Searching for Gloria & Milagros Blanco (maiden name).Last I heard they were living in Conecticut & they both taught school.
Willie Medina <>
Brea 92821, Ca. USA - Monday, February 07, 2005 at 16:15:00 (EST)
im looking for female twins named stacey and katie if you have any info please write me back or if u have aol or aim my screen name is johndeerboy104.please help me find them...
Matt <>
ft.pierce, fl USA - Friday, February 04, 2005 at 02:41:19 (EST)
USA - Wednesday, January 19, 2005 at 16:08:48 (EST)
I know i have a twin sister. We were split up at birth, but i have seen pictures of us together when we were babies. I am 16, born on 17th November 1988 at 08:38. I have curly brown hair, brown eyes and i am 5' in height. If you know anything at all, please e-mail me, because i really need to find my sister. I think her name might be Holly or Hannah, but i'm not 100% sure about that. If you have any information at all, please e-mail me. This is really important to me. I have such a strong connection with my sister. I even feel her pain when she is hurt. Please e-mail me if you know anything about my twin. I really need her. I can't stress how important this really is. Please, if you know anything, no matter how small or insignificant, e-mail me. It might prove to be important. Thanks for all your help. I also have a birthmark on my left little finger, but my twin may not have this. I really need my sister, so if you know anthing at all, please e-mail me! Or add me to Yahoo Instant Messenger. My addy is
Hayley Seymour <>
Luton, Endland - Monday, January 17, 2005 at 09:55:45 (EST)
Hey Debbie/Lisa, it is of Kim and Misty...I ran across this site. The girls don't know this, but I think it would be nice for them to meet up with some twin friends in Metairie, they keep too much to themselves or now since they are in school...always in the books or writing...let me know, I will only suggest....thanks You know they are 21 now....Carole
Carole Ormiston <>
Metairie, la USA - Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 18:03:26 (EST)
hi~ i m a twins, my sis is 19 mins younger than me, i 'd like to meet some TWINS FRIENDS = )
Anthea <>
HK - Thursday, January 13, 2005 at 04:33:03 (EST)
I am fourteen. I have been searching for my twin for a couple of years. My birthday is October fourth 1990 at 1:27 AM. I am not sure if I am adopted or if my sister is. It's one question niether one of my parents will answer and I cannot find out. I believe I am adopted because I do not connect with my family. My sister may have been adopted too. I have blonde hair and hazel eyes. My eyes stay green unless I'm angry or crying and then they turn blue. I'm about five foot tall and overly developed for my age. If there is anyone that can even match one of these qualities please e-mail me.Thank you.
Mallorie <>
Kilgore, Tx USA - Saturday, January 01, 2005 at 14:16:35 (EST)
When I was born my fraternal twin brother Joshua Bruce died. I feel it's my fault he died, I carry a guilt in my heart. Losing a sibling is hard, even if you never really knew them.
Alonda <>
Underwood, IN USA - Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 00:59:18 (EST)
hi my name is michaela, earlier this year on my 16th birthday my parents recieved a letter off a family who claimed to have been raising my identical twin sister but of course my parents hid the letter from me to make sure that i didnt found about her but when i found it they said that yes i have a twin but they dont know where abouts in the world she is and that she has everything the same as me so if you know or have seen or heard bout a girl who was born in hannover on the 2nd of february 1988 and has dark brown hair and multicoloured eyes then please email me as i am desperate to find her thankx
manchester, eng gb - Monday, December 27, 2004 at 10:41:19 (EST)
I was born a twin on April 9, 1960 at Magee Women's Hospital in Pittsburgh,PA to Patricia and Wendell Perry.
I do not know if my twin is alive or died.
allison perry <>
Richardson, tx USA - Wednesday, December 08, 2004 at 04:27:14 (EST)
Im 14 and i no i have an identical twin somewere, im tall with blond hair and blue eyes. I love animals and my mates
Sammy Lee <>
Memphis , Tennessee USA - Monday, December 06, 2004 at 14:14:51 (EST)
went to get my birth cert. and found i have 2 shannon dale and sharon gale mccleese i have look for her and can not find her i believe she grew up in ohio under a different name some where in scioto county in oh. can you help me find her.
sharon gale mccleese <>
ciinti, oh USA - Sunday, December 05, 2004 at 17:52:59 (EST)
I just wanted to say i am a twinless twin, my twin sister died at 2 months old from encephalitis.
Kari <>
london, Canada - Thursday, November 25, 2004 at 18:56:50 (EST)
I just discovered that my father who was in the military fathered twin boys. There is some indication that these boys were born in North Carolina. They would have been born during the time period of Dec. 1943 - Aug. 1945. My father's name was Edward Cloyd. I am not certain whether he knew of their existence or not but their mother supposedly sent a letter to my grandmother. My father went overseas in 1946 and that is where he met and married my mother. I am searching for these boys as I would like to meet my half brothers.
Roberta Brazzell <>
Lanesville, IN USA - Friday, November 12, 2004 at 16:46:25 (EST)
I have golden brown hair, hazel eyes and am looking for my twin sister!!!
Taylor Kelly
USA - Thursday, November 04, 2004 at 11:37:02 (EST)im looking for my twin we were seperated at birth all i know is that his name is Riley and we were born november 23,1990 in hurley hostipal flint michigan. please help me find him.
Elissa Galbraith <>
East Lansing, mi USA - Tuesday, November 02, 2004 at 22:57:15 (EST)
I am looking for twins Clarence & Caroline Snyder born on or around Sept 1st. Their mother was Alice, she died 11 days after the twins were born. There aunt now 97 would love to get in contact with them, she has not seen them since they were 3 years old. I would guess they would be in there 60's or 70's now.
Chris <>
Stow, oh USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 at 21:59:14 (EDT)
I just wanted to say to everyone who is looking for their twin; don't give up hope, it can happen! My Mom's friend was certain she was born a twin, and now, aged 34, she has finally found her sister. They are now together forever and couldn't be happier. So please, keep trying, cos you will find your twin someday! Madison, proud twin of Isabella.
Madison Brooklyn <>
Malibu, CA USA - Sunday, October 24, 2004 at 09:23:42 (EDT)
i lost my 2 other twin sisters
iam a guy
my name is joe da hoe,
if u find any of them please contact me
or tell me anything because i really have to see my twin sisters
Jo <>
andrea, sta canada - Friday, October 15, 2004 at 12:36:01 (EDT)
I am still searching for Angela and Melissa, born in Boston may of 1990. Adopted through Boston Childrens service in 1991-1992. Please contact me if anyone has any info that may help me. Thank you .
Debbie <debbie9947@aol,.com>
ny USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 at 07:29:38 (EDT)
I was born on October 22, 1983. I was born at 5:04 in the morning. I have brown hair and blue eyes and i am about 5'1" in height. I was born a twin and i have never met her. She was born after me my mom said. I know she is out there somewhere so if anyone has seen a girl that looks like me please contact me
Candace <>
Forest City, IA USA - Sunday, October 03, 2004 at 23:25:18 (EDT)
I was split up fron my sisters when we were 13 years old i was moved to LA and my sister were left in Texes. There names are Madison and Pipper, have brown hair and blue eyes. if u think you are my long lost sister or think you no them please e-mail me
Natalie <>
LA, USA - Sunday, October 03, 2004 at 10:41:17 (EDT)
Looking for Carolyn K. Wallace and Marilyn R. Wallace born 1946 in fresno Calif. Sensitive and complicated search for twin girls my mother gave birth to that may have been illegaly adopted to a Dr. Wallace in Fresno, Calif.
Darla Robson <>
Bend, OR USA - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 at 21:12:17 (EDT)
momo <Optional>
STATEN iSLAND, NY USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 at 12:27:57 (EDT)
My sister and I (identical twins) are looking for our Brother - whom was adopted at birth. He now has a family and has a pair of twin girls. He lives somewhere in California and his parents names are Robert and Rubella torres who I believe who live in T or C. If you now if him please email me, help my sister and I finally meet our brother.
Jeanette Badillo <>
El Paso, TX USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 10:05:40 (EDT)
i am looking for twin brothers, thirty-ish, who are son's of Frank Whetstone, of Chandler Arizona. If you're out there, my half-sister is related to you, Roberta Lee Ann Whetstone.
P. Knight <>
indianapolis, IN USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 at 16:02:29 (EDT)
Born 6/2/50, Rockhill, S.C. would have been adopted at birth.
Faye <>
Mims, FL USA - Sunday, July 25, 2004 at 17:21:49 (EDT)
hi! my name is marie and im 15. i will be turning 16 in november. i always felt i had a twin and some people say they see someone who looks like me around places. i have curly brown hair and brown eyes. im about 5'1" tall. if you match these descriptions you could be my twin!
Marie <>
USA - Friday, July 23, 2004 at 03:08:35 (EDT)
I am 16 and I was born on March 27,1988 I am short for my age. Looking for my twin. My name is Emmy.
Emmy McFall <>
Louisville, KY USA - Monday, July 19, 2004 at 02:27:05 (EDT)
I'm looking for a Billy Mosely, I think that how you spell it... but he goes by the name William.. I heard he lives in Texas.
Mary McFall <>
Louisville, KY USA - Monday, July 19, 2004 at 01:52:27 (EDT)
Seeking twin girls born in the Seattle area around 1958-1959. Their names are Donita and Marita but we called them Doni and Rita. They were adopted by a couple in the Navy (we were told) when they were five years old. They were taken from us just before Easter. Please visit
/ for the whole story.
patricia <>
USA - Friday, June 25, 2004 at 17:23:37 (EDT)
i like this site...i got interested coz i have twin kids..both boys
silvertrumpets1 <>
manila, philippines - Friday, June 18, 2004 at 01:17:06 (EDT)
loooking for sue and Fay Jeffries, these twins once lived in northfield, oh 44067 appox age 67
davebarr <>
n ridgeville, oh USA - Monday, June 14, 2004 at 17:08:22 (EDT)
Hi, I am a mother iso twin girls. Born Dec.4,1969 Ashland county, Ashland,Ohio. If you can help please e-mail me. I have been waiting a long time to see them.
Debra Reeves <>
Ashland, ohio USA - Saturday, June 12, 2004 at 10:45:38 (EDT)
I am looking for my lost male twin at the age of 29 possibly in UAE
Saadullah <>
Dubai, UAE - Friday, June 11, 2004 at 18:11:33 (EDT)
Mother iso twin girls born about Dec.4 1969,Ashland County, Ashland,Ohio. I would really like to hear from both of you. Please E-mail me.
Debra S. Reeves <>
Ashland, ohio USA - Friday, June 11, 2004 at 11:30:53 (EDT)
I am looking for a set of twin boys..umm, men now. Your names are Ryan & Bryan and you were born in Manitoba Canada. You are of metis or aboriginal decent. One is very quiet, Ryan if memory serves correctly. Bryan, i think you are the more ... shall we say energetic of the two. You use to cal me Meme when you were 1.5 yrs old. at that time you lived with us on a farm near St. Elizabeth Manitoba. This is south of Winnipeg. You were adopted. The case worker's name was Ed Timmerman.
I only have 1 photo of you boys and have never forgotten you. I am your foster sister. It would be wonderful to hear from you. there has not been a day go by that I do not think about and miss you guys very much. I just want to know you are alright.
Marianne <>
Saskatoon, SK Canada - Monday, June 07, 2004 at 12:08:38 (EDT)
twin boys born Mar.8th 1977 Saskatoon Saskatchwan, Univercity Hosp.
Shelley Vanthuyne <>
Watrous, SK. Canada - Sunday, June 06, 2004 at 17:08:02 (EDT)
Hi, my Name is Essam. I am searching for a Girl with long red hairs. She is 26 Years old an had lost the left arm in 1998. Born in Samu and grown up in Bern. If you saw her please mail me.
Essam <>
Bern, - Sunday, June 06, 2004 at 14:39:07 (EDT)
Searching for Marie Piller. If you are reading this, please mail to
Andrew Piller <>
Bexdehude, GER - Saturday, June 05, 2004 at 20:28:48 (EDT)
I know i have a twin sister. We were split up at birth, but i have seen pictures of us together when we were babies. I am 15, born on 17th November 1988 at 08:38. I have curly brown hair, brown eyes and i am 5' in height. If you know anything at all, please e-mail me, because i really need to find my sister. I think her name might be Holly or Hannah, but i'm not 100% sure about that. If you have any information at all, please e-mail me. This is really important to me. I have such a strong connection with my sister. I even feel her pain when she is hurt. Please e-mail me if you know anything about my twin. I really need her. I can't stress how important this really is. Please, if you know anything, no matter how small or insignificant, e-mail me. It might prove to be important. Thanks for all your help. I also have a birthmark on my left little finger, but my twin may not have this. I really need my sister, so if you know anthing at all, please e-mail me! I need my sister.
Hayley Seymour <>
Luton, England - Friday, June 04, 2004 at 08:38:31 (EDT)
I have recently discovered I was a twin. My mother will not tell me about it, and does not know that I know. I want to know if my twin is alive, or died at birth. This really means a lot to me. I will be 17 on July 1st. I was born in Donelson Tennessee. Thank you.
Sara Fultz <>
thomson, Ga USA - Saturday, May 29, 2004 at 14:24:14 (EDT)
TO DESTINY-ROSE.... I know hallie and mary-kate Jonson they live in florida USA same az u i see!! I've known them a few yrz, ure an auntie because Hallie has twin babies called Lewis and chloe they are 1, hal + mk are 16 nxt month i fink! my god aint it a small world. mail hallie or visit their website
London, UK - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 17:22:24 (EDT)
I'm looking for Hallie and Mary-kate Jonson. I'm their big sister I don't think they know of me but I've looked up my family and found out they are my younger sisters. I was borin in 1986 in Florida, my parents were 13 and 14 so I was adopted and have heard nothing of my family since. please help me find them
FL USA - Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 11:08:40 (EDT)
looking for twin boys born in norfok va 4/13/1960 adopted there names at brith was michael and jame ribiero or ribeiro stayed in saint marys infant home in norfork va for a while before they where adopted they have other brother in sisters they dont know about
i can be reach at 757-321-0674
Debbie brinkley <>
va beach, va USA - Monday, May 24, 2004 at 09:07:27 (EDT)
hi, when i was born my mother died, she had identical twin girls and i was one of them. i have never known my father since that day he abandoned my mother pregnant. i wwould really like to find out which family she was taken into and wat he adoptive name was or still is, she would be 16 now her birthday was on the 2/2/88 and she has dark brown hair and bright green eyes. she should be round about 5'4 height wise. please if you know anybody who matched the description then please contact me. we was born in hannover in germany but i dont know the name of the hospital or town sorry.thankx alot, kaitlyn
kaitlyn <>
manchester, gb england - Sunday, May 23, 2004 at 15:36:43 (EDT)
Hello :)
My name is Becky,
my sisters Robi and Ronda have been wanting to find our twin half sisters Cindy Lee and Windy Dee,
funds are tight, so hiring someone to find them is not in our pocket books right now,
all i know about them is, they were born to Dick and Jean Huff in Indiana then later wre adopted by their grand parents, i think they lived in WV.
they would be in their mid 40's.
if anyone has any info on them, would you please email me at or my sister ronda at ,
the my sisters and i are very anxious about finally meeting our half sisters for the first time.
thank you so very much.
Rebecca {Huff} Klatt <>
Springfield, or USA - Saturday, May 22, 2004 at 13:09:57 (EDT)
looking for my twin in pa born 7-13-1980 possible story of me dying at birth.
k <>
pa USA - Wednesday, May 19, 2004 at 15:49:46 (EDT)
i beleive i have twin girls,they would have been born approximately june of 1986 they would be almost 18 years of age know.there mom joined the airforce in october 1985 her name is anna machelle diamond . the last time i saw her was the summer of 1987 when she came back to town to visit and i ran into her in town ,and she told me i had to come out to her grandmas house because she had something to show me ,she said she was glad she found me and it was real important that i come out.when we got there we went inside and there was two buitiful twin babey girls ,as we both started crying i said "these are my girls aren't they"she cried and said"dont worry about it,i got married to a wonderful guy". my heart aches to find them and know more.i think she is in the airforce still,i need to find them somebody help please. GODWILLING and GODBLESS
jay diltz <>
port angeles, wa USA - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 at 19:46:39 (EDT)
I would like to find my twin. My birthday is 10/17/76.
newspaperlady <>
USA - Tuesday, May 18, 2004 at 11:08:41 (EDT)
On June 17th in 1994 i think its the correct year I was not only told but showed that I had full blooded brothers.We where not allowed to meet or talk to one another for because of our families.Some how we were seperated.I think Im a triplet.As far as I know I was born in Joplin,Missouri on Jan.11th 1973 In was once called Old Oak Hill hospital.That was my wedding day.It came as a great shock to me.I didnt know what to do.I was also told and shown that day That I was marrying a triplet or quadruplet.I cant remember how many Identical girls I saw it was diffently 3 possibly 4. Acople of months ago I saw a guy that looked so much like me it reminded me of my wedding day.I tried to give him a ride because he was walking but some already picked him up.I followed them till they stoped. He saw me and I saw him.He looked scared and angry.I felt like I could read his mind or just knew what he was thinking.That may sound wierd but its true.I constantly feel like I have this deep spiritual conection with 3 other men and 4 girls.To this day my familiy denies all this and say I dont have any fulll blooded brotheres or sisters.My ex wife also denies what happened on our wedding day.Her name is Michelle Lynn Turner. Her bithday is Jan.1st 1976 by my understanding. I know that 1 of her sisters has a red mark on the right side of her neck. She visited me on Dec.31 2002.She said it was her birthday.Please help.I just want the truth and for all of us to get along and know the truth.Sincerely,Michael.
Michael Keith Martin Wagner Jr. <>
Joplin, MO USA - Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 15:02:33 (EDT)
Im 5'3 115 pounds brown eyes, brown hair with some blonde in it, brown eyes, i got tanning, but I have an original tan too. I play softball,volleyball, i WAS a cheerleader, and i Snowboard because i live in Alaska.
Shannon Barber <>
Eagle RIver, ak USA - Saturday, May 08, 2004 at 19:57:15 (EDT)
I am living in bangkok but US citizen. I have lost contact with my twin living in Singapore
Frederic Meloni <>
Bangkok, n/a Thailand - Saturday, May 08, 2004 at 15:35:36 (EDT)
I really need to find my sister. My mother tells me that i am not a twin, but i have seen pictures of us together when we were babies. It's really important that i find her now. This may be my last chance. I am 15, born on 17 November 1988 at 08:38. If you were born around then, PLEASE e-mail me. I have curly brown hair, brown eyes, 5' in height at weigh roughly 6stone. I know my twin is out there somewhere, i just need her. This is so important to me, so if you know ANYTHING at all, PLEASE E-MAIL ME ASAP. I cannot stress how important this is. If you have ANY information, no matter how small, PLEASE tell me. I need my sister. PLEASE, if you know anything, tell me.
Hayley Seymour <>
Luton, England - Friday, May 07, 2004 at 10:18:33 (EDT)
hi my name is taylor. i think i lost my twin at birth. my mom said that i did have a twin and i have been looking for her for a while. if you see a girl that has brown hair with hazel eyes (they turn brown in the dark and hazel in the light). she has a beauty mark on her nose and under her left eye. she is 11 years old and was born on dec.31,1992. i am using my friends e-mail address. if you see her e-mail me at!
Taylor Fields <>
middle island, ny USA - Tuesday, May 04, 2004 at 19:29:25 (EDT)
My name is megan.i don't really know if i have a twin but i always feel like something is missing and i feel sad for no reason at all. if i have a twin i want to find my twin. i have medeum brown hair with red highlight that show more in the summer, brown eyes, a bithmark on my nose and on my left ear. my skin colors is like a tanish peach. i'm 11 years old and was born july 31 1992, which was a friday.i'm going to turn 12 july 31 in 2004. i was born in saint charles hospital.
Megan Fields <>
Selden, NY USA - Tuesday, May 04, 2004 at 17:46:37 (EDT)
If your name is Gorgina - I think and were born 24/02/69 - email me
snazzie <>
London, UK - Monday, May 03, 2004 at 14:14:11 (EDT)
iam looking for a 5 foot 11 inches 15 year old with brown hair and honey highlights blue eyes and goes by the name of staci-jesse raphael our mom was creative with our names i'm called tommi-jade raphael our mum is called jarnette and our dad is named dave staci is afraid of hights and snakes and when ever you mention pink she goes mad she's also allergic to daisy's and is very pretty.i had to use my best mates e-mAIL ADDRESS.
tommi-jade raphael <>
leeds, leeds uk - Monday, May 03, 2004 at 13:50:00 (EDT)
Patti and Nancy both attended Rutgers 1985-1989 last name started w/ Z
chris coyle <www.coyleman@>
gladstone, nj USA - Monday, May 03, 2004 at 13:12:04 (EDT)
I Need Some Information on twins black and white so could yall please help me. It's for a grade in 10th grade american lit. i'm in the 10th grade and really need some help
christina <>
Elberton, Ga USA - Monday, May 03, 2004 at 12:36:51 (EDT)
Me and my twin were bought together when we were 8. It was the best thing in the whole world, though my friends found it strange at first. E-mail me and i can tell u more
sophie <>
High Wycome, Bucks UK - Sunday, May 02, 2004 at 13:24:47 (EDT)
elin haddad <>
walnut, CA USA - Sunday, April 18, 2004 at 06:20:13 (EDT)
ISO my identical twin sister, born 7/28/59 in Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, NJ. Please email me if you have any info. Thanks.
Ellen <>
Doylestown, PA USA - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 at 16:14:47 (EDT)
Thanks! Enjoed the time on your site!
Vergleich Krankenversicherung
USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 at 16:14:57 (EDT)
Nice Site!
Bob <>
USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 at 16:13:36 (EDT)
hey! this is stacey teague and im deaf also i was born with twin girl on october,16 1979 st.augustine or st.john country grandma told me that my mom was teen had twin babies and me and sister was died in her womb that bad doctor wont let us out of her womb and mom almost died too and they took news about happened. bad doctor wont tell my mom that what twins meant so she was puzzled cuz she was too younger...i was real died and they afraid tried to fixed me to alive and became deaf that why.. and i dont know where my twin sister since born..i think she still live in florida..she is deaf but not know of. im 24 years old and have two brothers. and im married of two babies taylor-ann is 2 yrs old and roland is 5 months old boy. my real father named terry albert teague. my hubby's name is harrison so i let u know that. if u found me then call me 603 659 6591 for my hubby jason can hear.. or email me. please god find my sister for miracle. do u know of my friend angelique behrend is deaf that she know u but she did not meet u (deaf group) stuffs. i was so surprised and trying to contracted my twin sister might jessica or jennifer or else... pls find her for me. my race is brown hair and bright brown eyes, 5'6 or 7" indain, french, white skin.
email me
stacey Teague <>
newmarket, n.h USA - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 at 11:02:49 (EDT)
i really want to find my double
gloria martinez <gloglovar>
carson, california USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 at 23:32:34 (EDT)
I really think that i have a twin sister. My parents have said stuff about it before like if you found out that you were adopted, would you go live with your other parents. when i was little i was watching parent trap and my dad said what would you do if you met your twin at camp. this weekend we were in kearney nebraska eating and this girl came up to me and started calling me jill. she told me that i looked like this girl that went to her church. My birthday is november 25th.
Amanda <>
Nebraska USA - Monday, April 12, 2004 at 14:40:31 (EDT)
we are twins too
me (jeanette) and my 3min older sister sarah
we are fom sweden and searching some people to talk to
nice summer to yours
nackte stars
USA - Saturday, April 10, 2004 at 20:25:44 (EDT)
born october 9th, 1985 in virginia...i know you're out there.. i just found out last night.... 18 years old and mom finally told me please if ur out there write to me!
Ben <>
lake stevens, WA USA - Wednesday, April 07, 2004 at 22:57:41 (EDT)
diet pills <>
- Tuesday, April 06, 2004 at 23:23:54 (EDT)
I am looking for a twin named Joanne Reese from Tucson Arizona. I went to high school with her in Germany and stayed in a dormitory with her 1981. Her twins name is Robert Reese. They were born October 2, 1963.
Stacey Boyd <>
Grapevine, tx USA - Tuesday, April 06, 2004 at 15:06:35 (EDT)
I have brown/blonde hair, 5'5, brown eyes
Tierra <>
williamston, NC USA - Monday, April 05, 2004 at 18:00:41 (EDT)
we think we are twins but we dont look the same
nicole boyd <>
england, usa united kingdom - Saturday, April 03, 2004 at 13:06:07 (EST)
Harrissburg, PA USA - Friday, April 02, 2004 at 16:39:36 (EST)
We are twins and we were looking at twins to put in our twins scrapbook made up of twin pictures that look like us.
Madison and Peyton <>
flemingsburg, Ky USA - Friday, April 02, 2004 at 16:38:27 (EST)
Hi...havea new email. If you were born between 1945-1947 and a are searching for your twin, please contact me.
Carol <>
USA - Thursday, April 01, 2004 at 23:59:45 (EST)
Hi! I haven't been in touch for a while but I thought I'd sign the guest book to tell you how much we enjoy the website. It's useful in more ways than I can write here and great fun as well. Thanks! Helen.
Helen C <amy>
Uk - Thursday, April 01, 2004 at 04:05:04 (EST)
Looking for Shane and Shawn from *Calahoo, Alberta, Canada*....or at least we think that's where they live! Just have some pictures for them from spring break! Good 'ole small town guys!
Jessica & Nikki
Minneapolis, Mn USA - Tuesday, March 30, 2004 at 16:29:51 (EST)
Looking for John and James Nelson from IL. Born approx. 1926. I have genealogy information for them.
Carole Carlson <>
USA - Saturday, March 27, 2004 at 10:34:17 (EST)
Looking for someone who went to school in Morton IL around 1970-1974. would like to find out about twin girls i went to school with threw JR High in Edwardsville and then moved to Morton.
Gary Thomas <>
edwardsville , IL USA - Wednesday, March 24, 2004 at 00:08:30 (EST)
Trying to help my friend! She is one of the long lost twins, placed up for adoption at birth (birthdate 9th April 1954, bourn in United Kingdom. Please post any info - which could help to find her twin or relatives. Please e-mail to Thanks for your help.
Lena <>
USA - Tuesday, March 23, 2004 at 06:32:30 (EST)
i' looking for twin boys born 1982 or 1983 with the last name edgerton
dawn <>
va USA - Monday, March 22, 2004 at 11:59:01 (EST)
mugu <mugu>
lo, lo nig - Saturday, March 20, 2004 at 04:31:04 (EST)
Who was born on September.13,1990 in Columbus,Ga
Tykeshia Powell <>
Columbus, Ga USA - Friday, March 19, 2004 at 08:58:23 (EST)
Thanks! Enjoed the time on your site! Sincerly yours, Bilder
FreeChat <>
- Thursday, March 18, 2004 at 18:07:11 (EST)
Hi, my name is Donna. I am 33 years old. My birthday is January 17, 1971. My mom told me that I had a twin but my twin was still born. I was born 2 and a half months early. So I only weighed 2 and a half pounds. I am from Concord, NC. For some weird reason, I dont think my twin died, I think she was stolen. If you think you might be my twin email me at I am 5'1" and I weigh about 99 pounds. I have blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.
Donna <>
concord, nc USA - Thursday, March 18, 2004 at 15:12:41 (EST)
My twin sisters name is rachel, she was adopted at birth she now has blondeish brown hair. She goes to meeker Jr High and I really want her home.
Brittani Wilson <>
Kent , Wa USA - Sunday, March 14, 2004 at 18:05:09 (EST)
looking for twin girls. Born in El Paso,Tx. To Elizabeth DeMassio(SP) about 1968.
Stephen Lloyd <>
atlantic city, nj USA - Thursday, March 11, 2004 at 02:26:25 (EST)
Still searching for Angela & Melissa ,born in Boston Mass 1990. They are Identical twins,Birth month is May. anyone with information please email me> thank you
Debbie <>
petersburg, ny USA - Sunday, March 07, 2004 at 08:30:58 (EST)
Hi ....... I have hazel eyes and brown hair and alot I mean alot of people say I look like Haley Jo Osmen.
Jud Spore <tracy@ hot mail>
Perrysburg, OH USA - Saturday, March 06, 2004 at 20:23:29 (EST)
Searching for birthparents. Born 30/12/1985 in Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Brendan <>
AUSTRALIA - Friday, March 05, 2004 at 05:25:18 (EST)
im looking for my lost twin aunts,my dad left home in his teens and never saw his parents and twin sisters.dads family never knew about me or my brother,all i have of my twin aunts is the picture dad had in his wallet.i wish i could post the picture here for everyone to see
email me and ill send the picture to all .
is there a web sight i can post their picture.
im 46 years old now and most likey the twins are died by now.please i need help
thank you ,
linda hodge davis <>
moncks corner, sc USA - Thursday, March 04, 2004 at 20:41:55 (EST)
The last time I hold my Twins was Sep,23 1985..they born March,13,1982 there names Michael & Henry ....please if you know any thing about them do not hesitate to contact me..
Rashad <>
Toronto, On Canada - Saturday, June 14, 2003 at 02:11:47 (EDT)
I am one of a boy/girl twin. my brother and i have our mom's eyes and our dads nose. we arent as close as we used to be. anyway, i think i might have been one of a quadruplet. my brother and i were conceived on fertitlity drugs and artificial insemination. my mom said that there were four eggs, but only twins (ben and i) were conceived. my parents were pretty bad off financially at the time. even though i've seen videotape footage of my mom at the hospital, with only 2 monitors hooked up during the labor, i'm wondering if maybe there wasnt a suprise baby or two, who they gave up and didnt tell us about because of their financial situation. i am 14 years old, and my birthday is 12/21/88. my brother and i both have sharp green eyes rimmed in navy blue. we have rather large noses and are both very, very tall (5'7" and 5'10"). you may also ahve a small red birthmark on your nose like me, or freckles. you may have either dirty blonde, light brown, or dark brown hair. if you have any information, please email me.
Emily Meadors <>
Indianapolis, IN USA - Friday, June 13, 2003 at 13:57:20 (EDT)
its sam
no i was not born there at least i don't think so i dont think i am adopted and i live in chicogo
Chicogo, IL USA - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 21:54:02 (EDT)
Hi, my name is Stacia. When i was born, my mother was told i had died.
But then she found out i hadn't when the doctor made a mistake. later that year
the hospital was in the papers for selling babies on the black market and my mother
then told me i was a twin, but she was told that my twin had been stillborn. my
mother still thinks the hospital sold my twin, as she was extremely large and
i was quite a small baby. maybe some day i will find my twin. if any o fyou are
born on the 14/04/89 please email me. luv Stacia (i'm on my friend's email)
Stacia <>
Australia, - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 04:13:17 (EDT)
Hi. My name is Jessica and i came across this site and i wanted to tell you the amazing story about me and my triplet brother and identical sister.
well it's kind of a tragic story....our mum and dad's parents hated each other right, and when our mum got pregnant with our dad, she wasn't to tell anyone. my grandmother made her give us up.
the 3 of us went out to different families.
Well i was adopted out to a town about 5 minutes away from the one i was born in. My brother was taken 15 minutes away and my sister half an hour away.
i grew up not knowing i was adopted. i am now 14 years of age.
about a year ago i was told i was a adopted and that i wasn't allowed to search for my real parents and family until i was 18. i was sad for ages.
a few monthes ago i spotted an article written in the paper by a boy with the same birthdate as me and looked like me a little.
he had written an article about shooting the whales for his school aqssignment and ha dended up in the school newspaper. he had stated that it was wrong to kill the whales and i wrote in a reply to that letter and the next week it got into the paper with my picture there.
a few weeks later i got a letter in the mail from the same boy, his name is sam.
he was telling me we had exactly the same birthdate and were lots alike. he said we both have a great opinion and stuff. he wanted to meet him. i begged my parents to let me meet him and they did.
we met at a salad bar and his guardian came along, and he had known all alone this was not his real mother.
we met and spoke to each other adn it wasn't till later in the day that we had found out we were born in the same place and both given out for adoption.
my parents wanted me to come home but i refused. i stayed and talked to sam, by this time we knew we were somehow connected. it was all very strange. was time to go home. we kept in touch. his mother went to find out about everything and eventually after about a month she found out we were in a set of triplets. i foudn out over the phone.
when i saw him the next day after finding out i just ran into his arms adn hugged him. it was great. then we searched for our sister who's name is kaitlin. it took a while but eventually we found her liiving with a foster family, which was her 13th foster family. we all kept in touch. i knew she was my sister because we are identical.
then we managed to track down our birth mother, but we never did. we found our birth faterh first, who knew nothing about us, but welcomed us into his family. he doesn't know where our birth mther is, and i don't think he will ever know.
but the three of us found each other and our father. we are still searching for mum.
my adoptive parents adopted kaitlin and we live together now. our triplet brother has moved closer to us and now we all go to the same school and see our father all the time.
that is our story.
love jessica Amy Richardson.
(write to me at my adoptive brother's email address on
luv Jess.
Jessica <>
Mildura, Australia - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 04:05:05 (EDT)
Born 6/2/50 in Rockhill, SC =in 1969 I was working in Gainesville, FL and a couple about my age drove onto the parking lot. the female called me by a name other than mine, and got almost hysterical
when I told her that was not my name. She thought I was someone else. Several years later, I had my palm read, and was told I had a twin. In my early 20's my mom told me that she thought I was a twin. She
stated that the dr "put her to sleep" twice. During the 1950's, blonde haired, blue eyed children were popular on the black market. She said that the dr. might have thought thet since she had 6 previous children, she
wouldn't miss another. She was not very educated and didn't know what to do.
Faye <>
Mims, FL USA - Sunday, June 08, 2003 at 01:17:46 (EDT)
Born 6/2/50 in Rockhill, SC =in 1969 I was working in Gainesville, FL and a couple about my name drove onto the parking lot. the female called me by a name other than mine, and got almost hysterical
when I told her that was not my name. She thought I was someone else. Several years later, I had my palm read, and was told I had a twin. In my early 20's my mom told me that she thought I was a twin. She
stated that the dr "put her to sleep" twice. During the 1950's, blonde haired, blue eyed children were popular on the black market. She said that the dr. might have thought thet since she had 6 previous children, she
wouldn't miss another. She was not very educated and didn't know what to do.
Faye <>
Mims, FL USA - Sunday, June 08, 2003 at 01:16:08 (EDT)
Hello there my name is Mary Cantu i am searching for my twin brother who was
stollen from Jackson Mamorial Hospitol in Miami Florida (might have the last name
Palomo/Blanco)I was born on March 10, 1979. I am hispanic with a small scare between
my eyes.bro eyes and brown hair.The doctors told my mother that he had died due
to lung problems, but he was live and well when she gave birth to him...It is
a lonsg storie ,but if you have any info email me. Please make my dream come true
i have been searching for a long time i am 24 years old...Please help...
Mary Cantu <>
Fort Collins, Co USA - Friday, June 06, 2003 at 17:00:50 (EDT)
born 30/12/85
claire <>
USA - Friday, June 06, 2003 at 13:49:03 (EDT)
I was Seperated at birth from my identical twin Brother i am a female 24 years old dark brown hair brown eyes. D.O.B. 3/10/79 was born in Miami Florida at Jackson Mamorial Hospitol. Would love to find my brother if your out there i want you to know you have a big family thats waiting to meet you. You have 4 brothers and five sisters and a mother and father that have been married for 27 years please if you are out there we would love to hear from you..
Mary Cantu <>
Fort Collins, Co USA - Friday, June 06, 2003 at 13:48:48 (EDT)
Looking for twin adopted from norfolk va born 4/13/1960 last we know they where
and saint marys home in norfolk there names at birth was Michael and James Ribiero
or Ribeiro mothers maiden name was Wells
debbie <>
Va Beach, va USA - Monday, June 02, 2003 at 20:23:27 (EDT)
My twin sister and I were born on 6/16/1965 in Brawley CA. We were adopted to a James and Irene Jardel of El Centro CA. I was told that my natural mother was from LA and went to Imperial Valley to give birth and place us for adoption.
The information I have was obtained from my altered birth certificate and some old paperwork from my adopted mother, so I am not sure how much is accurate.
The doctor listed on my birth certificate is DR. Layon and the adoption was done thru the Imperial Valley welfare dept adoptions division. The case workers name was Sue A Hillhouse and the adoptions supervisors name is Bernadine Noxon.
Our adoption was heard on June 3 1966 by Judge Victor A Gillespie, Docket #1043
The attorney’s name is D.M Campbell 707 state street, El Centro Ca.
The non identifying information I received states my mother was an only child, married and divorced twice at the time of me and my sisters birth. She was said to have been 25 years old, raising 2 children and felt she could not raise the additional. Father was said to have 3 brothers and no sisters and 27 years old and never married. He was described as sensitive, artistic, literary and a poet.
My (mothers side) Grandmother was said to have been a Illustrator with possible heart problems and Grandfather a railroad supervisor.
I hope some of this rings a bell and if not, I wish you all the best. I have been looking for our relatives for over 20 years, no luck.
Good luck and god bless.
Regina Hennessey <>
Leicester, ma USA - Sunday, June 01, 2003 at 15:56:15 (EDT)
My name is Jalen, and I'm 14 years old. My mom had me when she was 14, and then later on when she was 18, she had a set of twins. She put them up for adoption because she couldnt support me and two babies. They were both boys and would be about 10. They may have been adopted separately and probably were. If you are or know a boy around the age of 10 whose birthday is in the winter. Please email me. They may have brown or mahogany colored hair. Brown or hazel eyes.
Jalen <>
Fargo, ND USA - Friday, May 30, 2003 at 17:13:20 (EDT)
im tranks when i was born my twin and i were seporated if any one was born
october 30 1990 please contact me you may have dark brown hair brown eyes 5'2
and be both left and right handed like me
tranks maximof <>
gahanna, oh USA - Saturday, May 17, 2003 at 19:15:15 (EDT)
Seeking male twin born 4-24-54 Seattle Washington
Carol <>
Auburn, WA USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 22:35:30 (EDT)
I had triplets and I know this is not a triplets site but I miss them more
than I would twins. Their names are Samantha, Jennifer, and Kimberly. They are
my sisters. I know that they had auburn hair and tan skin. Their birthday was
July 4th 1978. I miss them very much. Love K S & J's sis......Heather
Christine Edinburough <>
USA - Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 19:46:07 (EDT)
Looking for one of my twin sister's. Born on 3-17-75. Both twins was born with
heart problems one twin went home other was to stay at hosp. Because of them wasn't
strong enough and was small in size. few days later my mother received a phone
call from hospital and was told that that twin didn't make it. My other sister
birth CIF says single birth. my mom saw both babies and my mom never questioned
it again. I have tried to get birth ceft. and death but was told there is none.
If you think this is you please email me.
VT USA - Thursday, May 08, 2003 at 18:37:57 (EDT)
I was born Feb.4, 1985, 5'9, brown hair, brown eyes...Oddily enough, i found
a picture of a girl who is about two years older than me, (she was in my bro's
preschool class in the pic, and i was the baby in the backround) but she was identical
to what i would be in two years! Isn't that weird.
Meg <>
VA USA - Sunday, May 04, 2003 at 08:08:22 (EDT)
I am looking for my long lost twin Jessie Miller we were both sent to adoption
agencies and i miss her very much! we were very close as youngsters. Jessie if
ya read thi splease contact me!
Ashlee Jones <>
Crown Point, IN USA - Thursday, May 01, 2003 at 10:27:45 (EDT)
i was fostered with a family for adoption in 66-67 in devon england with a
set of twins this did not work out as the parents were concerned about athsma
in me i would love to trace the family as i remember visiting a twein family in
inthink paington about the time of four somesort of contact thing damage limitation
as my file says if you were the twins or know of this id love to hear about it
as i am trying to piece my lost years in care with devon social services
phil oldaker <>
nz - Sunday, April 27, 2003 at 04:36:13 (EDT)
Kristin, I did a search for Melissa and Michelle and Elko High School. This
sight has a listing of some of the alumni. In the class of 1986, there are two
girls with very similiar names (Melissa and Gonzalez spelled differently) They
could be relatives or just a coincidence. I thought maybe you could contact one
of them in hopes that they might know your sisters.
Jennifer <>
Chico, CA USA - Friday, April 18, 2003 at 13:23:04 (EDT)
I have a twin brother and sister somewhere out there living in florida. They
were born between 1968-1972. I was told that the were told that there dad died
in vietnam. well he didn't. Please if anyone has any information please contact
me. It is a boy and a girl and i think there last name is skinner. i was told
she went on to college and he was in the military.
Dawn Horton <>
Paragould, Ar USA - Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 10:02:32 (EDT)
ISO of twins-Jimmy & Joey Applegarth or Sater-Soter. This is your sister who
was also adopted. We were taken away in Missouri. You had asthma when you were
Dedie <>
Edgar Springs, MO USA - Wednesday, April 16, 2003 at 12:30:32 (EDT)
i am 17 yr.old ,my grandma told me that i had a identical twin , so until
now i hardly found out where she is, shes 17 already and her name is mariah bianca
liza braden. I promise to my mom before she left in the world that i find where
my sister are.......then if you know who she is and where she are.. pls...dont
hesitate to me..for giving me some information ..thats all!!! thankyou .hoping
you can help me.
princess nichola sophia anderson <>
manila, philippines - Tuesday, April 15, 2003 at 03:52:38 (EDT)
I have a twin and we were born in Hartford and we were in India for a trip
and there was an earthquake and she got lost. I am 12 and was born 3-16-91 to
Margaret and Ray Stevens. I have light brown hair with curlets. I am mixed. Help
me I'm despret
Kesley Kilie Steven
Hartford, CO USA - Monday, April 14, 2003 at 17:47:38 (EDT)
TWINS GIRLS IN NEVADA LOOK HERE!!! My name is Kristine and I am looking for
my older sisters who are twins. My mother gave then up for a adoption as she was
too young to take care of them..... They were adopted by a family in Elko, Nevada
and were at some point told they were adopted. Although they tried to contact
her, she found it too painful at the time to write back. They were born Sept.
12, 1966 both have strawberry blonde hair at birth. Given the names Michelle and
Melissa by their birth mother but names might have been changed by the adoptive
parents. Please contact me if you would like to meet your birth mother, or at
the very least me, you younger half sister. We do have something in common aside
from our mother...I was born Sept 12, 1977. Please, I would like to meet you.
I know this posting is just a shot in the dark but maybe through some very small
twist of fate it will find you.
Kristine Ashton <>
Los Angeles, ca USA - Saturday, April 12, 2003 at 00:06:57 (EDT)
Not sure where I was born-To a 14-15 year old girl who may have gone in under
the name of O'connell, Goldsmith, or Goldschmidt. Born In Illinois I believe either
in 1949 or 1950. Was given a different name than I now have a birth- Born in July
I believe but that may be incorrect
Judi Goldsmith, Goldschmidt, O'Connell <>
Lockport, I USA - Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 17:11:48 (EDT)
I just want to let you all know that if you really do have a twin out there
there's hope in finding him or her. I did! My identical twin sister and I were
reunited after being seperated at birth. Our mom was a twin too, and we were actually
the result of a rape. Because our aunt's finacee's father disagreed with their
marriage and he tried to rape her but actually raped our mom and she got pregnant
with us. She died while bringing us into the world. My twin, Alanah was adopted
by our Aunt's fiancee and I was adopted by our aunt. They didn't marry but we
moved to Toronto and Alanah stayed in BC. We found eachother and our parents married!!!
we are all happy now so good luck to all of you!!!
Keerah Sage <>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 18:20:39 (EDT)
shelly purcell <>
london, ont canada - Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 01:14:39 (EDT)
Looking for my twin sisters Rhonda&Randa born in October 14th 1965, were adopted
in late December of 1965.Rhonda was discribed as being fair with blue eyes and
the bigger of the two and Randa had blue eyes and hair that had a reddish tint.They
were both baptized in May 1966 and held hands durning the ceremony.I really would
like to find my sisters as i have been searching for them for 4 years now,ever
since i found out that i had twin older sisters out there.My name is shelly please
contact me Rhonda&Randa my email is living in London,Ontario,Canada.
shelly purcell <>
london, ont canada - Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 00:53:25 (EDT)
I am looking for my identical twin sister. I was born on October 22,1983.
I have light brown hair and blue eyes. I am about 5'1. I was born at University
Hospital and Clinic in Iowa City, Iowa. I was born at 5:04 in the morning. My
twin was born four minutes before me at 5:00 a.m. I have never seen or met her.
If you meet this description please contact me.
Candace <>
Estherville, IA USA - Wednesday, April 02, 2003 at 14:48:35 (EST)
Kaitlyn Hoff I think you might be my twin!! I've been looking for my twin sister
for my whole life! I always knew I had one! I was adopted when I was born and
all I know is I was born in New Jersey. Please e-mail me back so we can figure
this out.
Amber <>
Sacramento, CA USA - Monday, March 31, 2003 at 15:04:29 (EST)
Hey, I have always felt like I have had a twin. When my mom was pregnant with
me, she was in a car crash, and when they checked on me, they said that there
was twins there. But, then my mom said that it was just a mistake... but I dont
know if I believe her. I have always had an emptyness in my heart, and I know
that I have a twin, or my mom had a miscarrage with my twin.... but her is a descrioption
of me.... brown hair, brown eyes, born in Edison, New Jersey at JFK hospital on
November 7, 1989. About 5'2, thin, beuaty mark on left hand, not very athletic.
If you or someone you know fits this description, please e-mail me, cuz I know
that my twin is out there somewhere!! ~*Kaitlyn*~
Kaitlyn Hoff <>
Norfolk, va USA - Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 14:54:11 (EST)
born on 23/07/84, about 5 foot 2 in height, short dark hair and dark eyes.
Jennifer Lees <p14085>
Sheffield, England - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 10:06:57 (EST)
born on 3-7-1985, Blonde curly hair, blue eyes, e-mail me!!!!!!!!!
Kelly Reading <>
Rotherham, England - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 10:04:58 (EST)
born on 24/05/85, 5'2 height, dark ish hair, dark eyes
Natalie Hudson <>
Sheffield, England - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 10:04:52 (EST)
Looking for twins Doris and Delores (Maiden name: Goodall) born May 1929. Please
help me find them. They are my sisters
Michael A. Paro <>
Brooksville, FL USA - Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 19:51:48 (EST)
I am 99% sure that I had a twin. I was born on 6th October, 1987 at 8.44am,
at the Walsall Manor Hospital in England, West Midlands. Visit my website to see
pictures of me, to see if you look anything like me. I am half-Indian, but am
white (kinda tanned), with dark brown hair, brown eyes (poor eyesight), and about
5ft 2in. I weight 6lbs 2oz at birth, and had lots of tufty black hair. If you
think you could be my twin (I think I had a sister, but not sure), then email
me, get in contact somehow, please! I miss ya! Lucy
Lucy J. Henson
Sutton, England - Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 09:46:05 (EST)
Me again answering a question, first i want to tell you some information about
myself. My brother and I are fraternal Twins, we would have been triplets with
another girl identcle to me, but my mother had vanishing twin syndrome. To answer
your question vanishing twin is when for unknown reason twins die in the mothers
uterous. (I know i can't spell) Anyways, I hope that helps.
Sarah <>
Beverly Hills, CA USA - Friday, March 14, 2003 at 10:03:05 (EST)
i have a twin sister, we are identical. if you well email i well try to email
you back.
natalie <>
lebanon, ky USA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 21:41:28 (EST)
Me again. I just wanted to tell you some information on twins.(my brother and
i are fraternal twins.) Twins are more common among women on fretility drugs,
or with twins in their genes. My mother was a twin, and so was my father. Once
you have had one set of fraternal twins, you will more than likeley have identicle
twins in a later pregnancy. Also, if you had a twin that died while your mother
was pregnant, this could be called vanishing twin syndrome. That happend to my
sister. My brother, sister and i are triplets. Triplets happen about 1/555 times
of all pregnancies between women not on fretility drugs. My mother was not. It's
just in our genes.
USA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 18:04:26 (EST)
My brother and i are fraternal twins. Just to let you know, once you turn 18
and you are adopted, you can search for your real parents. THis also gives you
permission to find out information like the case you were a multiple from your
birth certificate. ANways, my brother and i were not adopted, i just thought you
should know. And for all the people who think twins can comminuicate telepathicaly,
we can't. Its just you know each other so well sometimes you know what the other
one is thinking. Also, one more thing. My mother had vanishing twin syndrome which
is very common among families who have twins genetically. Otherwise we would hav
ebeen triplets and could be the case with many of you.
Sarah <>
Beverly Hills, CA USA - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 17:57:47 (EST)
I am looking for my twin sister, we were seperated at birth. We were identical,
I weighted 5#, my sister 4 1/2 #. My birth cert states I was born July 21, 1942,
@ Tulare County Hospital, Tulare California. My adopted birth certification stated
I was a single birth. My family says we were Identical twins, and my mother only
held both of us at the same time "ONCE". My heart and emotions say I am a twin.
I have struggled with this for years. My height is 5'0", fair complection, hazel/brown
eyes, and medium bone.My mother felt that my sister was either stolen or sold.
Dolores Annette (Born)Metting (Adopted), Costa,(Married) Millsaps <>
Mentor, oh USA - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 at 22:26:11 (EST)
Hey, me again. Heres some more info - born December 15th, 1987, dirty blonde/light
brown hair, hazel eyes, 5'4-5'5 lightly tan skin. If you wanna know more then
just ask. <3-lily
Lily <>
Hurst, TX USA - Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 14:20:36 (EST)
approx date of birth 10/19/83.5'9-5'10,long light-med brown hair,deep blue
eyes,thick build.all the girls in my family have blue eyes and the boys brown.
there is a missing member of my family-not sure if its a twin but gave up for
adoption for many reasons. please email me w/info
A <>
sacramento, ca USA - Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 18:34:35 (EST)
My Twin sister and I were adopted at the age of 2years.Our birthday is November
28 1962. We believe our biological mothers name is Nelda H. Phillips. We are looking
for her as well as any other siblings we may have. Please caontact me with any
helpfully information at
nikki dawsey <>
everett, wa USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 18:01:39 (EST)
I was adopted and i dont know if i have a twin but i know i have another brother
or sister. I was born in Long Island, NY and i really dont know anything about
my mother or father, so if you think you know me e-mail me or IM me on my screen
name SunsetDragon708
Caroline <>
Charlottesville, va USA - Wednesday, February 19, 2003 at 16:37:03 (EST)
Ballarat, Vic Australia - Saturday, February 15, 2003 at 20:31:04 (EST)
I am loking fo my twin identical sisters Reagan and Randie.
Santa Barbara, CA USA - Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 23:47:47 (EST)
blonde hair blue eyes 13 years old born july 28 1989
sarah crawford
jasper, ga USA - Sunday, February 02, 2003 at 02:34:25 (EST)
I have strawberry- blonde hair and blue eyes I was born on Dec. 28, 1988. If
thats wat u look like please email me! Im looking all around for my twin and I
can't him him/her!
Sam <>
Hawthorne , NJ USA - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 15:56:54 (EST)
brown hair blue eyes and 14
sarah <>
NZ - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 20:21:01 (EST)
i just found out from my parents that i had a twin sister, but they gave her
away for adoption when she was a couple days old because they couldn't keep both
of us. they figured that now i am old enough, so they told me. we are identical
twins, they said. we were born on august 21, 1989, so we are 13 now. here is some
stuff about me that my sister and i might have in common: -1- i have blonde hair
-2- i ahve green/blue eyes -3- i am 108 lb -4- long torso -5- 5' 4" -6- outy belly
button (most people who say they have an outy belly are wrong--mine is a true
outy belly. -7- i wear a two piece (usually a tankini) instead of a one piece
b/c the belly button would show and it would look bad in a 1-piece. -8- if i want
to wear a tight shirt, i have to wear a belly shirt because of the reason avbove.
it would poke through and look bad. but with a belly shirt, it looks really cute.
-9- my favorite body feature is my belly. (in case you havent noticed) -10- im
a ballerina (my belly button pokes through too :( my frinds wish they had a belly
like me though :) ) thats all for riught now!1
leslie <>
baton rouge, LA USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 15:04:57 (EST)
Im who is looking for my daughter for my children her name is China Elizebeth
Aiken she is in Hollywood Fl i know for sure but thats all my children know
Paul Small <>
charlestown, in USA - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 01:11:56 (EST)
"Twins". Adult men looking for any relitives in Texas" DOB:3-9-63.My brother
and I are still together. Need to find our family. Please help a dream come true.
Jim Brooks <>
Torrance, Ca USA - Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 19:38:33 (EST)
im looking for my twin!! my mom told me that she had A stillborn kind of before
i was born in october of 87 and she had this wierd look on her face liek she wasnt
telling me something, so i think that i really do have a twin out there somewhere
and the doctors just told my mom that my twin died at birth when he really didnt.....
but im not sure. i am 6 ft tall light brown hair.... my eyes are kinda blueish
green but they change w/ my mood. if you were born on october 19 1987 and u think
u have a twin... e-mail me!!
james riggin <>
pa USA - Friday, January 24, 2003 at 20:39:22 (EST)
I'm looking for my identical twin daughters. Born in 1970. Taken out of state
by Mom in 1977. Julie and Lisa. Please contact me.
Robert Wilson <>
Boston, MA USA - Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 15:19:57 (EST)
Searching for twin girls born in or around Gary Indiana sometime between 1957
and 1964. Their names are Sherry and Kerry and their biological father was a Wilcox
from Kentucky.
kathy harris <>
Owensboro , KY USA - Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 00:21:33 (EST)
ISO twin boys born sometime around 71-73. bnames were Jimmy & Joey Applegarth
or Sater-Soter. You had asthma when your were babies. Taken away in Missouri through
DFS. This is your bsister who was also adopted. I have more information.
Dedie Wilson <>
Edgar Springs, MO USA - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 11:53:17 (EST)
Birth siblings searching for a set of male/female African-American twins born
in Rochester, NY between 9/1967-12/1967. They were born at Highland Hospital by
Dr. Floyd Brat (currently deceased). They were relinquished for adoption in 12/1967.
Monroe County Dept. of SS handled the adoption. Any helpful info please email
me at or Thanks
Pemartin <>
Rochester, NY USA - Friday, January 17, 2003 at 10:46:16 (EST)
I'm looking for a women who my husband ran into in Scarsdale, NY who he said
was my identical twin. She told him her name was Marie and even gave him a picture,
which looked so much like me it was amazing. She gave an email address and I've
sent but I've got nothing back. The only reason I feel she could be my identical
twin is because my birth story was bizare. The doctors had told my mother that
they had to schedule my birth because they thought she had diabetes (which she
didn't). She was also hugh during her pregnancy and when I was born I was very
tiny. Then when she went into labor she gave birth and then they sedated her and
knocked her out. If she's not my twin then she's an exact lookalike. I'm 41, 5"5
and about 130lbs, blond hair and green eyes.
alice <>
USA - Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 06:49:51 (EST)
I'm looking for my twin sister Amanda. I don't know her last name but when
we were born on Jan 9, 1989 she was adopted. I ran into someone at a store who
tried to take me home because they thought that I was their granddaughter Amanda
and after that I found two birth certificates, and I would really like to meet
her.I'm about 4'11 w/ brown hair and brown eyes that change during different seasons,
and I'm skinny.
Stephanie <>
Sacramento, CA USA - Monday, January 13, 2003 at 23:13:26 (EST)
When I was born I had a identical twin sister. We were both adopted out but
I don't know where she was adopted from but I was adopted from the Boys and Girls
Aid Society of Oregon. I really would love to find her if she is still around.
I miss her!!
Allison Gaskill <>
Portland, OR USA - Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 01:14:26 (EST)
Hi my name is Kim Larcade and I have a twin Kelli Larcade. We went to junior
high school with twins in Belle Plaine KS., Lenora and Vicki Moser. I would just
like to know what they are up to these days. If anyone knows Vicki or Lenora Moser
(maiden names) please e-mail me. THANKS!
Kim Larcade <>
Mulvane, KS USA - Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 19:45:54 (EST)
I am searching for a set of twin boys, born sometime between 1960 and 1961
in Washington state somewhere near the west coast. They would be my half-brothers.
My father's name is Bill (William) Spaulding born March 26, 1923 in Havre Montana.
He played country-western music and sang in taverns in the evenings and on weekends.
Probably holding down a regular job during the day as well. The story as related
to me by my father is that he had met a woman he liked very much and they had
lived together for awhile, when he found out she was pregnant he offered to marry
her, but he says she was already spoken for, so he left. He met my mother shortly
thereafter in Seattle and they were married in 1962. I did not find out any of
this information until my parents divorced and my father told me about my brothers.
My father was very vague about the information that he gave to me, I believe it
was to protect the boys and their mother. My father passed away in 1997 and I
would like to find my brothers.
Charlena Paschen <>
USA - Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 00:33:19 (EST)
looking for twin boys born feb 1961. seperated from birth mother in pueblo
co 1964 possibly called jerry lee and terry dean
don divelbiss
pueblo, co USA - Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 14:48:12 (EST)
I have a twin out there some-where! I was born sep 24,1982 in oklahoma. I have
sandy-brown hair and blue/green eyes that change colors with my mood. My parents
tell me im not a twin but i recently found out they gave a baby up for adoption
the date on the papers is 10-02082. My aunt use to live in Kansas and she swears
she would see someone who looked just like me there, so if you could be my twin
please wright me (send a pic). My name is Jeni and my twins
name would also begin with the letter J at birth.
Jeni <>
Bradford, PA USA - Monday, January 06, 2003 at 20:48:51 (EST)
Searching for twin boy and girl born in Brockton, MA at Brockton Hospital to
Irma Houston in 1960. Africian American children. I do not know the month they
were born. Any information, please email me at
Nina DaCruz <>
taunton, ma USA - Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 09:17:04 (EST)
hi my name is jessica hall i am looking for my twin i was born april 26 1985
at about 4 0 7 am at the university of lexington kentucky on a friday i am 17
now there is a picture of a girl that looks just like me in the hearld news paper
shes cutting newspapers with the name jessica behind her she was wearing a white
sweater with sprit on it with her hair hanging over her right shoulder over the
letter s if any one reads this and can help me it would be much appreciated apart
of me is missing i just hope to find her goodluck to the rest of u
jessica hall <>
neon, ky USA - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 21:57:03 (EST)
khia <>
herndon, VA USA - Friday, January 03, 2003 at 19:53:38 (EST)
Looking for twin girls born in El Paso, tx about 30 years ago to Elizabeth
Stephen Lloyd <>
Galloway, nj USA - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 21:01:50 (EST)
i'm in search for a twin brother named jarvis mitchell
jeremy mitchell <jeremymitchell209>
Ft Richardson, AK USA - Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 06:58:29 (EST)
Looking for twin sisters born in So, Ca . between 1964 ,1966 mother works in
hospital in poss sanbernardino co. father name is charels b foster. went by chuck
just want to know who thay are
holday, Fl USA - Wednesday, January 01, 2003 at 19:25:42 (EST)
I am searching for twins...half brother and sister to me! Their 32nd birthday
is today! They were born 12-28-70 in Baton Rouge, LA, at Woman's Hospital. They
were adopted out in a private adoption through atty. Guy Modica. If anyone has
any info...pls email!! PS...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Jennifer Robin <>
Orlando, FL USA - Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 21:09:38 (EST)
I am an adopted child, through my research I discovered I have twin siblings!!
Threre names are Antonia & Tanya Ray. D.O.B 11/30/1961
Madonna Fry <>
San Jose , CA USA - Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 13:58:29 (EST)
Hi everyone. Me and Melissa are looking for our long lost triplet Monissa
Melissa and Marissa Morse <>
USA - Friday, December 27, 2002 at 18:03:42 (EST)
curly blonde hair, very light skin, born in Mesa, AZ in 1985...e-mail me for
more info.
tell you later <>
USA - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 18:03:19 (EST)
I am looking for my identical twin sister.We both have dark brown hair with
blonde streaks,thin lips,and we both where a silver ring on our wedding finger.Please
help me find her.She ran away from home because of my stupid father.He is so mean.PLease
look for her thanks
Carmen-Lasieniga <>
jacksonville, fl USA - Sunday, December 22, 2002 at 13:49:49 (EST)
ISO of twin boys. Jimmy & Joey Applegarth or Sater-Soter. Born in 71-72-73.
Taken away in Missouri. You had asthma when you where babies. I more information.
Roberta Wilson <>
Edgar Springs, MO USA - Monday, December 16, 2002 at 16:52:09 (EST)
Still searching for information on my twin brother and sister, born in Brocton,
MA in 1953,or 54, possible 1955. Born to an africian american woman named Irma
Houston or Irma Davis. Birth was at the Brockton Hospital. Family told that they
were deceased, but no other details were available. No one saw them. Hospital
said that they would take care of burial, which is hard to believe. Anyone with
any information of any ideas that I haven't already tried please email me. I really
want to find out were or what happened to them. Any ideas, again, please email Thank you, Nina Dacruz
Nina Dacruz <>
Taunton, MA USA - Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 12:27:44 (EST)
Twin boys born in windsor april 2/73 looking for birth mother or info.Grace
hospital 3.8lbs and 4.5lbs 2 months premature.Brown eyes and hair tall and thin.Any
info or other places to search please contact me.
Ethan Fletcher <>
London, canada - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 21:34:34 (EST)
Help, I'm looking for half sisters-twins-born aprox. 1942. Father: William
H. Ellis; Army Corp; WWII Mother: Monica Theresa O'Malley Ellis At birth I was
named Patricia Marie. Running out of time!
Patricia Pierson <>
Sarasota, FL USA - Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 19:28:14 (EST)
Hello, I was born in Norristown Pennsylvania on January 4, 1968. My Mother
passed away 9 years ago. Before doing so she told me that she belived that I may
have been a twin but my brother was taken from us. This belief of hers if based
on the fact there were 36 hours between the time I was born and she saw me for
the first time. This led me to much research. I studied the physcial, emotional
and mental characteristics of twins. I found there may be some basis to her claim.
If I am a twin that was separated at birth a lot of things it my life would make
sense. Unfortunately I do not have a pic of myself to post. My Mother's maiden
name was Barnett. I have blue eyes and brown hair. I stutter and was born with
epilepsy that is no longer active. I am highly intelligent. I am a creative writer
but work in retail. I am left handed. I have many freckles. Just above my abdomen
on my left side is an oval shaped birth mark. I tend to be very open and honest
with my emotions and feelings. If any of this sounds familiar please feel free
to write me.
John Karpinski <>
pottstown, pa USA - Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 21:32:30 (EST)
My name is Jane Morin. I am searching for my two 1/2 sisters who birth name
was Miller. They are twins. Their names were Michel Denise, and Sharon Ann Miller
at birth. They were born in June of 1956 I know about them, they do not know about
me. Our mothers name was Edith Werbitsky-Miller, Roy. Our mother committed suicide
in 1976. I believe they may had been told that our mother died long before that.
Also, they may had known my oldest brother, Jimmy, who is deceased as well. If
you have any information please feel free to contact me at;
Thank you!
Jane Morin <>
USA - Monday, December 02, 2002 at 16:38:19 (EST)
Hi there all, I'm 24, take a look at my photo on the link provided. I have
been mistaken several times for someone else and just wanted to put a post out
to see if anyone recognises me. If you do and if you have a name or a contact
then please email me. Look forward to hearing from you.
Vinod Varsani
London, UK - Friday, November 29, 2002 at 11:09:29 (EST)
Hey Jennifer hunter i meet ur description, i think u might be my twins or my
lookalike, please send me email.
Melissa <>
Vancouver, Canada - Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 20:26:18 (EST)
Hey all, I am looking for a friend that I went to an Oak Park Area Illinios
Montasory school with between 1977, and ~1983, Their names were Heidi, and Gretchen,
She had a little brother named Deter. It's been so long ago. So I can completely
understand if she would not remember me. Anyway, I lived on Cuyler Street, across
from a park. Thanks Harlan
Harlan Stanley <>
Austin, TX USA - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 21:47:40 (EST)
i'm looking for my twin brother we were born 27/11/1960 i have light brown
hair blue eyes i'm 5'4 and i live in austarlia i was told i was born in the usa
and sold to a family here when i was very young if you are out there or any one
who could help please write to me i was told my real name is cain wolf...
Cain <>
Buxton, nsw AUSTARLIA - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 12:08:22 (EST)
i'm looking for my twin brother we were born 27/11/1960 i have light brown
hair blue eyes i'm 5'4 and i live in austarlia i was told i was bron i the usa
and sold to a family here when i was very young if you are out there or any one
who could help please write to me i was told my real name is cain wolf...
Cain <>
Buxton, nsw AUSTARLIA - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 12:06:51 (EST)
hi i'm looking for my identical twin sister, her name is possibly Simone. i
have light brown-blond hair and grey-blue eyes, about 5'0, born September 24 1986,
i'm 16 and for a couple of years i have felt like something was missing from my
life. Simone please e-mail me, i miss you and can't wait to find you! LuV Channie
Chantelle <>
australia - Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 06:47:54 (EST)
ISO twin boys. Jimmy & Joey. Taken away in MO. You had asthma when your where
babies. Born between 71-72-73. I have information.
Dedie Wilson <>
Edgar Springs, MO USA - Monday, November 18, 2002 at 14:26:34 (EST)
Ned Thomas & Ed Paulas, long lost twin cousins of mine. Current last name unknown.
Born in Feb. 1968. Loking for them to reunite. Any help appreciated.
Rockie Yardley <>
Edmond, OK USA - Monday, November 18, 2002 at 11:39:55 (EST)
Hi: Searching for a twin sister born 1946. If you were born same year and are
searching, please send a recent picture.
Jeannie <>
Killeen, TX USA - Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 20:00:07 (EST)
I just located my birth Sister AnnaMaria who is 37 years old. She was told
that between my birth 1955 and her birth 1965 a set of twins were born. The names
given to them at birth were Paolo and Pietro. Born in Chieti Italy. Can you help
us locate the twins, we have a very strong feeling they are in the United States.
Rita M. Connizzo <>
Little Falls, NJ USA - Monday, November 11, 2002 at 10:19:44 (EST)
Looking for twin brother and sister, who were born at Brockton Hospital, Brockton,
MA. Last name was Davis, born to mother Irma. Relatives state you were born, but
no one knows what happened to you. The years is not clear, maybe 1953, or 1954,
or even 1955. Africian American race. Hope that I can locate.
Nina DaCruz <>
taunton, ma USA - Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 09:41:36 (EST)
If you are 16-18 years old with blondish brownish hair blue eys and a little
over 5 feet and like anywhere from 100-125 lbs, reply.. I was born in 1985
MA USA - Friday, November 08, 2002 at 10:48:27 (EST)
pamela mandresh <psunflower2001@AOL.COM>
SO HUNTINGTON, NY USA - Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 14:22:06 (EST)
they both have a scar above their right eye
Nancy Jaycox <>
Jacksonville, Fl USA - Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 12:15:53 (EST)
I was born July 5, 1987....i have brown hair and brown eyes and am about 5'3".
If this is simiala to you, please, e-mail me!!!!!
Alexandra <>
Scottsdale, AZ USA - Monday, November 04, 2002 at 00:22:53 (EST)
I am looking for Twin Girls born Sept 12, 1966. My mother (Cameron Ashton)
gave them up for a adoption to a Elko, Nevada couple. The Twins were given the
names Michelle and Melissa by their birth mother but names may have been changed
by adoptive family. The Twins were born with Strawberry Blonde hair. That is all
the info I have. I would really like any help I can get in finding them. I know
that my mother would really like to find them and I would really like to meet
my half-sisters. I am the only other child born to Cameron Ashton, oddly enough
I was born on Sept 12, 1977. To the twins I don't know you but you are often in
my thoughts.
Kristine Ashton <>
Los Angeles, Ca USA - Friday, November 01, 2002 at 18:38:07 (EST)
Am looking for twins placed up for adoption at birth, born in late l940 or
early l941; parents were M. E. Elliot and Mary E. Elliot, Bryan County, Oklahoma,
possibly grew up in Durant, Oklahoma.
Marynell Ward <mewldw@prodigy,net>
Edmond, ok USA - Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 15:22:54 (EST)
ISO my twin brothers. Born sometime in 71-72-73. We were taken away in Missouri.
You had asthma when you were babies. I have more info. Please contact.
Roberta Wilson <>
Edgar Springs, MO USA - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 16:34:17 (EST)
I forgot to tell how I look like. I'm born at 12 January 1987 and I'm pretty
tall (172 - 176cm). Blue-green-gray eyes and blond hair (When I was little it
was a little orange). Does this match you or some of your friends?... please mail
Jessie <>
USA - Monday, October 28, 2002 at 16:12:19 (EST)
I'm searching for my half twin sisters. Age: 47-50yrs, named Joanne & Jeanne
Martinez(maiden name), born in Manhattan, NY, mom's name Matilde(not sure), father
John Martinez(deceased), last seen in Bronx NY when they were 11yrs by my father
John. If anyone know anything please let me know. Me & my sisters will like to
jacqueline <>
orlando, fl USA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 21:21:07 (EDT) mother has tried to convince me that I don't have a twin brother (
I'm a girl ), BUT when I was in grade school ( around kindergarten to second grade
) I went to school at Mandarin Oaks Elementary. Looking in my second grade yearbook
I see a boy named Michael ----- ( not a usual last name ). It also happens to
be my fathers name. We looked similar at the time and in the third grade my parents
placed me in another school about an hour away from that school ( slightly suspcious
). For whatever reason, I think I might have twin. So, if you were born on September
7th, 1986 and have dark brown hair and blue or brown eyes ( I guess it depends
with fraternal twins ) and your name is Michael, then email me. My father is also
a twin, so I thought that MIGHT have something to do with it. If you don't fulfill
the previous requirements for being my twin, but still want to email me, then
that is perfectly fine. Go right ahead = )
Destiny <>
St.Augustine, FL USA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 20:18:56 (EDT)
Well, I know I have to be at least a twin. Sometimes, I walk around my city
and people talk to me like they know who I am. One girl I go to school with looks
like me; we've been asked if we were twins a lot. My dad was in the Air Force,
but then again I dunno if he is even my real dad. I know my mom is 'cause I look
exactly like her. So...if anyone's boren 4 December 1985...has blue eyes...brown
hair....some freckles...about 5'6" or so tall...then email me....(anything close...)
I just wanted to know.
Kristina <>
Fort Worth, TX USA - Monday, October 21, 2002 at 18:59:41 (EDT)
Hey! I'm looking for my twin sister/brother. I was born on Febubary 16th, 1986
in South Carolina. I have brown hair/eyes. If this sounds like you, please reply!!
Amanda <>
USA - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 23:45:10 (EDT)
We are twin sisters.We are 18.We live in France( toulouse). We'd like to communicate
with twins brothers :"canadian twins" Laurentiu and Mircea who are in your photos...
Please, can you give us there e-mail and communicate them ours? Thank you.. Shirley
and Delphine .
ShirDel <>
toulouse, France - Friday, October 18, 2002 at 18:37:51 (EDT)
i am white and missing my twin
rachel brooks <>
lacey, wa USA - Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 15:27:01 (EDT)
Hi, Were you born on October 16, 1990 had brown eyes black hair? Were you born
in Bennington, Vt? If you are please contact me Sophia, I knew something was missing.
@};- ___________________________________________________________
Amy <>
VT USA - Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 18:06:33 (EDT)
I am looking to my twin brothers. Born around 71-72-73.
Dedie Wilson <>
Rolla, MO USA - Monday, October 14, 2002 at 11:24:05 (EDT)
Hi, my best friend might be my twin. Check out hers. Her name is Revell...
Olivia Hauser <>
ny, ny USA - Friday, October 11, 2002 at 18:10:14 (EDT)
I am 11 years old.Born on the 3rd of December 1990. I am tall with brown hair
and brown eyes. I am pretty. I live in England.
USA - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 10:42:42 (EDT)
Looking for mother who was a twin. Would be 52 years old born in Ca and was
one of a set of female twins. can you help
Deanna <>
USA - Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 19:34:49 (EDT)
Dear twin,were you born on August 16,1958 in Blytheville,Arkansas at Chickasawa
Hospital ?Please contact me,I am the other part of the puzzle.I am 44 years old,have
brown eyes and dark blond hair.I have missed you all my life.Love Forever,your
Sister,"Mary Ann Franks" aka Teresa P.S. We have another Sister who was given
up for adoption 5 years earlier.She "found" me in 1999,and is AWESOME !!!
Teresa Graham <>
Essex, MO USA - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 23:37:07 (EDT)
I was born on 8/16/1958 in Blytheville,AR.I was adopted to a family who raised
me as an only child.In 1997 I found my birthmother,Ruby Graham Franks,only 2 months
before her death.I went to her funeral & met her sisters,and was told that I was
a twin.I have always felt that something essential was missing from my life.He
was given to another family at birth.If you have any information,please e-mail
me about my brother.Teresa
Teresa Graham <>
Essex, MO USA - Monday, October 07, 2002 at 23:00:11 (EDT)
I am looking for childhood twin sisters in their early to mid 50's. Joy and
Jill Isbell. We were in Roosevelt Grade School, Broadview, Il., and Proviso East
High School, Maywood, Il. They were the adopted chilren of Harold Isbell.
Rita (Juanita)Winger Ruppel <>
Indian Wells, Ca USA - Friday, October 04, 2002 at 17:41:41 (EDT)
10/15/86 brown curly hair, blue eyes, ordinary, around 5'4". sounds familiar?
contact. luv Satu
Satu Reijola <>
Finland - Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 07:55:02 (EDT)
hey, ever since i have found out im a twin i have been soo nervose and once
my parents found out i knew they havent been my parents no more the get drunk
and everything. well they dont even hug me or kiss me any more im born on march,27,1988
plez tell me you are my twin so all of this will stop
mary <>
fairdale, ky USA - Monday, September 30, 2002 at 18:57:03 (EDT)
Um my sisters are twins sepearated at birth my sister's name is Lindsay. I
hav more sisters Maura, Brooke, Sydney, Christa, and Hannah. We all really want
to meet her. Christa is pregnant right now with twins and is having a lot of trouble
with them . She is having many pains from them kicking her she actully has a briuse
from one of them. She is having trouble sleepin @ night. She is very uncomfertable
so wish her the best of luck. O yah she also is naming them (2 girls) Jackie Lynn
(after my sister's twin.) and Merredith. My sister's twins name is Jackie and
her last name is lynn.
Kiera <>
USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 16:12:36 (EDT)
My parents said that at birth, I was a triplet. If you were born in Tennessee
in February 1986 and are adopted and think you might have a triplet or even a
twin out there somewhere, please contct me. I'm not desperate, I'd just kinda
like to give this a shot.
Cecelia <>
TN USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 15:55:14 (EDT)
My Korean name was Huh Young Ok. We've been separated since 11-months to one
year old. Hopefully my sister can be found one day. I've been searching for her
off and on for the past 15 years, and have since started my own family. I appreciat
any help you may have to offer! Thanks!!
Suzanne Gaye Pollack-Eby <>
El Paso, TX USA - Friday, September 27, 2002 at 22:38:54 (EDT)
I know I have twin out there. With my uncle. My mom told me that I had a twin.
But they couldn't raise two kids, so they gave one to my uncle who I've never
met. I want to meet my twin. She said we are identicle - red hair, green eyes
and freckles. I knoe a lot of people have that but oh well. Write me at
Jennifer Johnson <>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Sunday, September 22, 2002 at 15:53:51 (EDT)
Lisa & Lita Brown from Detroit, MI. I met you in Hollywood, Florida in the
1970's. You guys moved back to Detroit. We moved to MI shortly after that. Just
curious if you remember and how you're doing.
Lola <>
Burton, MI USA - Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 23:10:16 (EDT)
i was born in usa but then moved to england with my parents who adopted me
i dont know if you are with my real parnents but if you have brown/blonde hair,blue/green
eyes/,short email me straight away we could be twins! my b-days on 3/7/89 please
find me
Nicola <>
england - Friday, September 20, 2002 at 14:27:16 (EDT)
Hello! I figured this was worth a shot. My twin and I grew up in Englewood,
OH (near Dayton) and lived caddy-corner to a set of twins named Shane and Shawn
Coatsworth. We have not seen each other since we were five, and I am extremely
curious to know what they have been up to! They probably now have either brown
or dark blond hair, and are 23-24, but I have no idea how tall they might be.
We were friends way back when, and used to shout at their gate for them to come
play...Any news, please pass along!
Jen <>
Greenville , NC USA - Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 01:02:50 (EDT)
I am looking for my sisters, twin girls, named Denise & Terri. Early 50s, late
40s. They reside in the NY or California area. I never met them but I should would
love too! Our dad's name was Wallace.
chris <>
New York, NY USA - Monday, September 16, 2002 at 19:44:04 (EDT)
COLUMBUS, OH USA - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 12:34:07 (EDT)
COLUMBUS, OH USA - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 12:25:47 (EDT)
Hey! My name is Britanie and I'm 14. I was born February, 17, 1988. When my
mom gave birth she was only 15 years old, she could only afford too keep one of
us. My twin sister was adopted when we were 3 months old. My mother never named
her so I don't have any info on her name now..if you have any info for me then
please send me a email! Thanks so much!
Britanie <>
Ontario Canada - Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 09:32:31 (EDT)
cA USA - Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 21:01:51 (EDT)
BETTY LOU AND THOMAS SELLO / OSBORNE My mother and her stepbrother and stepsister
are looking for you. You would be about 65 years old. You were born in Cleveland
Ohio. Please contact me.
Joni Christ <>
Quartz Hill, CA USA - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 23:02:45 (EDT)
yes i was reading these one night and ran across a message from megan from
houston texas i always wanted a twin and thought i had one but same here my mom
told me no the message was posted thursday december 7 2000 megan if you read this
get back to me so we can talk
kristi <>
conroe, tx USA - Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 03:38:40 (EDT)
hey, my name is mary and im 14 years old and i live in louisville kentucky.
i goto fairdale high school. well when i was about 7 mths old me and my twin brother
billy got seperated he went to our dad and i went to our mom. well my mom never
did tell me about him i had to find out by myself. i found out that he lives in
dallas texas and we were born on march,27,1988 and that he was older and that
really got me mad cause i guess im the youngest (still) i had to find out from
my older brother john and my gramma. at first i didnt believe them. but then i
found pictures of us hidden in drawers and picture books and i knew it was us
cause it had our names on the back. i still have no contact with him and i dont
know if he knowa that im his twin sister
mary mcfall <>
fairdale, ky USA - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 16:18:11 (EDT)
I was born in Baytown Texas on August 19,1951 my mother thought she was pregnant
with 2 but was only given 1. I have heard from so many who thought they saw my
twin people often think I am her. My maiden name is Peake. It is thought that
the doctor gave my twin to another family who had lost their child and he didnt
want to tell them. I am 5'3" slender. If you were born in Baytown and have the
same feeling and you were born on August 19. Please contact me.
Virginia Parker <>
Willis, Tx USA - Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 17:39:09 (EDT)
I am looking for Dean, Stephen and Tina Rodriguez (two of which are twins the
girl and one boy) They are approx 34-37 years old and moved from Milton Keynes
to USA approx 20 years ago
Keta <>
England - Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 12:17:13 (EDT)
I am looking to track down my twin uncles ronald and donald moore .Their parents
names are james and doris moore, and their brother(my father) is roger alexander
moore. Last i heard they lived in washington state as do i.I heard they might
be in the city of seattle. If you have any information at all or know them please
conact me as i don't know anyone on this side of the family.
aurelia lea moore <>
everett, wa USA - Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 01:43:45 (EDT)
Hi I am looking for my friend and her twins,it is belived that on April 26,1985
she gave birth to twins,but was told a single birth took place.This happened in
Lexington Ky at the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center by a Dr.K.Muse arround 4:07am
on a Friday.It is also believed that the other child is in Tennessee at this time.A
picture showed up in a Lexington News paper of a little girl cutting out news
clippings,that little girl looks exactley like the child she has.If anyone in
anywhere or in white pine Tennessee has any information reguarding this notice
Please contact me serious information please.PS
possibley the girls name is Jessica and she is 17 now.thank you
Marsha <>
Jenkins, Ky USA - Monday, August 19, 2002 at 19:45:02 (EDT)
My friend, Jessica "Jessi" was told that she had a twin, and i was wondering
if i could find him for her. she is mexican, she has brownish/blackish eyes, dark(really)
dark brown hair, that turns kinda reddish in the summers. she is kinda tan. she
really wants to find him, but, she has no way, because she is not allowed to be
on the internet at her house. her birthday is : November 20th, 1987. If you meet
this description, please feel free to e-mail me!! Even if u dont have a pic. Or
to see a pic of Jessica please visit her homepage at:
Meg <>
MO USA - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 15:14:05 (EDT)
I have been trying several years to locate Stephen and Rebekah Alexander, born
Feb 12, 1971 to Steve and Rosalie Alexander in Indio, CA. No luck with Internet
locator companies. Stephen had blue eyes; Becky had brown. Last known to live
in California. Life is too short not to know where one's children are, or how
they have fared in life. Am I a grandpa yet? Signed: Sad Dad
Steve Alexander <>
Gulfport, MS USA - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 16:04:07 (EDT)

i just found that i had a twin,i knoe the name is Martin Could you please
help me
Marion Corns <>
Beaverton, or USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 20:08:18 (EST)

OK, I was wondering if anyone had in contact with the Tuomy twins? Their
names are Dylan and Blake and I'm not sure when their birthday is. I last saw
them when they were three about seven years ago so they should be around 10,
they have light blond hair and used to wear it around the ears(you know... in
a mushroom) and I don't remember what color eyes they have but I believe they
are brown.
Lily <>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 06:25:08 (EST)

I'm looking for my 12 year old twin called Hannah. We were separated at
birth, and I've never seen her. We are identical, I have brown hair and blue,brown
and greeny eyes, and dark brown straight hair. I'm less than 5 foot.
UK - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 04:09:06 (EST)

Bethany!!!!! I look just like you! We are about 11 months apart in age though!
Also, I was born in Virginia!!!!!!!! If you have blondish hair, blueish eyes,
and short email me! I have loved twins for forever! I have always wanted to
be a twin. I write stories, and my characters are twins. I play games, my characters
are twins. Also, I am twelve, turning thirtheen May 12th 2002! So email me!
Molly <>
MI USA - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 19:50:53 (EST)

I am the boy from a boy-girl twin birth. My twin sister and I may have been
born about Aug 1946, possibly in Puerto Rico, Florida or Oregon. Her birth name
may have been Shailey, but most likely not her name today. Someone in our birth
mothers family (living in Puerto Rico or on the East Coast, USA) may have raised
my sister. We both may have many of the same baby pictures. We were separated
when we were between 1-2 years old. I was raised by my birth fathers brother
and lived in Oregon and Washington State. I didn't learn about my true identity
until 1996 and I didn't learn about my twin sister until 1997. I believe we
also have a younger brother, who may have been born about July 1947 in Oregon
or Puerto Rico.
Charles A. Peters <>
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 00:15:31 (EST)

hello again my I believe that my mother has a twin. She is naturally tan
blonde hair and hazel eyes. she was born in August 22 of the year 1954. She
was born in the state of Kentucky. Please email me if you match this description!!
thank you!
Chelsea <>
USA - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 14:15:24 (EST)

I believe that my cousin's twin may have died at birth-If anybody knows
of twin deaths in CA hospitals (in '84), please contact at below address.
EW <>
USA - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 01:16:12 (EST)

I'm a 15 year old black female that believes my twin is some where in America
going by the name of Kelle or Kaysha. My date of birth is 26/05/86. I have dark
brown eyes with dark brown hair. Im 5 foot. I
kaesha-lee <>
London, UK - Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 07:58:49 (EST)

Hi, I was told that my aunt had a daughter and then gave her up for adoption,
and ever since I heard this I've wanted to find her. She would have been born
in either '85 or '86, I haven't been given much information. My aunt lived in
either Massachusetts or New Hampshire at the time, and I think the adoptive
parents lived in Florida. She would probably be thin-med. weight with brown
hair and kind of tall, but maybe not. If you think this could be you, please
email me. I want to find my cousin.
Amy <>
RI USA - Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 15:31:57 (EST)

I would like to find my cousins John and Alan Beaty from Greenock Inverclyde
Scotland they were born in April 1954 there mothers name before she got married
was Isa White
veronica o'halloran <>
Southampton England, UK - Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 07:23:10 (EST)

I'm looking for my twin! It's the holidays and it woould be good to be reunited!
I have curly dark brown hair, that turns lighter in the summer, born on april
22,1986 and am around 5'5! Please contact me! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays:)
Shaina <>
USA - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 12:05:01 (EST)

Hi, my name is Jilly, im 16, i am told my twin and I were adopted out to
seperate families, i was born in '85, i have dirty blonde hair, green/grey eyes
and im about 5'5, I have always felt like I have a twin, sometimes when I'm
hangin out with my friends i get this feeling way down in my gut that I'm alone,
i think it is when my other half feels lonely, all I want to do is find you,
and quit all of this wondering. If any of the information sounds like you in
any way, post something on this site, with a way for me to contact you, and
hopefully we will be together again soon. I'll never stop looking untill we're
together. Love Always, your twin sister Jilly
USA - Tuesday, December 18, 2001 at 19:02:56 (EST)

Hi, many people in my home town say that they have seen me at this place
or that place... But... I have never been there... A man once showed me a picture
of, well... of myself... but it was not me... I am adopted, and have been trying
to fit all of the parts together... with no luck... Any help that you can give
will be helpful!!! I know that my mothers birth name was "Karra",
and her 1st married name was Bickford... Thanks for your time and help! S.M.S.E.B.W.
Susie Margert Suzanne Elizabeth Bickford
Williams <none at this time>
Junction City Kansas, ks USA - Tuesday, December 18, 2001 at 11:27:28 (EST)

Hey! I believe that I have a twin out there, faternal or identical. I was
born on Febuary 16th, 1986. If you can help me find her/him please email me!
Amanda <>
SC USA - Sunday, December 16, 2001 at 20:19:55 (EST)

I got told when I was younger that I had been adopted out and I had a twin,
I am unsure if it is male or female but my birthdate is July 15th I have been
told I was born in USA but I am unsure where.
Kayla <>
Hawkes Bay, New Zealand - Sunday, December 16, 2001 at 16:27:54 (EST)

hi. i am lookin for my twin, we were separated at birth, i was adopted out,
i know she was too but to a different couple, i am told her name is kaytee russell.
mine is alicia russell. if kaytee russell is ur name and ur birthday is 3rd
august, 1987, please email me! -alicia
alicia <>
USA - Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 17:13:58 (EST)

I. search my doubble sisters Lisa and Lana (Smith? Ohio?). (former, earlier:
Anne-Katrin and Marita Kerl- adoption 1962 off american officer) Birth: 12.03.1962
(1962-03-12) birthplace: Germany, Großbettlingen, Gartenstraße 40 Ich spreche
kein englisch. Wer kann mir helfen? Simone Kerl
Simone Kerl <>
Gommern, Germany - Monday, December 03, 2001 at 09:53:36 (EST)

Hey,my name is melissa and i am looking for my twin (boy or girl)16yrs old,
5foot6 or 7 120lb,,
USA - Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 03:07:43 (EST)

Hey, I haven't received any reply yet...but I know you're out there somewhere.
Please see about 14 entries down below this one (under Amos Waters as well)
for all my information that I have posted thus far. Also, in response to Jasmin,
are you sure that you were born in 1986?
Amos Aaron Waters <>
USA - Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 02:23:52 (EST)

i'm trying to find my best friends twin. Her name is ana, she was born on
the 25 of july, 1987
christina <>
oh USA - Monday, November 26, 2001 at 17:49:09 (EST)

Looking for my twin(boy or girl) with dark brown, curly hair, 5'5, might
wear contacts or glasses, birthday april 22, 1986. r u out there?
Shaina <>
Bear, DE USA - Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 11:27:45 (EST)

Me & my twin sister were seperated at birth. I was born in SC on February
16, 1986. I now live in Southern Cali. I'm 5'5, I weigh 112 lbs, long wavy brown
hair and brown eyes. Please e-mail me!
Jasmin <>
CA USA - Friday, November 16, 2001 at 18:36:11 (EST)

I am lookinh for Leslie and April.. twins we hung out with at he 2001 twin
convention in ohio..they are the coolest twins..what happen to you guys??? please
Lisa Wallace <>
Dunedin , Fl USA - Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 04:59:05 (EST)

Hey! I'm about 5'3 and 1/2, I weigh about 130 lbs. and I have brown hair.
I'm 15 years old so if any of this sounds like you email me!
Amanda <>
Westminster, SC USA - Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 13:31:09 (EST)

I am looking for twin boys...Sonny and Ray Houston....lived in Houston,
Texas at one time..Sonny dated my sister Carolyn...I would like to hear from
them ....or anyone thay knows where they might be...
Ann McCauley <>
USA - Friday, October 26, 2001 at 18:28:12 (EDT)

hi RACHEL STUTZ! you wanted to find a twin sister .now you´ve found two.
we´re twins and we were also born on 31th july 1987 and we are from austria.
please write us an e-mail. Lots of kisses sandra
sandra <>
USA - Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 11:17:00 (EDT)

Ok, to add to the below... I was born in the month of December, although
it was supposed to be in January, one month later. I was born early due to some
kind of complication, and I have a clubbed foot (right foot), which was corrected
soon after birth. I also had Pyloric Stenosis, and Pneumonia 3 times before
I was the age of three (the third time came on my third birthday). Since I don't
typically trust people (this could be one of YOUR traits too, I would guess),
I won't tell my exact birthdate and year, you must tell me yours and I will
verify. If this sounds AT ALL like you in any way, please e-mail me at the below
e-mail address. Again, I am a male, and believe my counterpart is male as well
(fraternal or identical I don't know, but I would guess identical. Throughout
my life I have frequently heard of people that look exactly like me, and I have
begun to seriously wonder...Over the past months I have become, and I am now,
Amos Waters <>
USA - Friday, October 19, 2001 at 02:12:18 (EDT)

Male, 5'4.5, Br.Hr. BluEyes Irish-German-English If this sounds like you,
e-mail with your birthdate. NO spam please
A <>
USA - Wednesday, October 17, 2001 at 02:32:36 (EDT)

I'm searching for identical twins Krystal and Kryshell Uber from South Florida
who went to Hobe Sound Elm. School in the 80s! I went to school with them and
haven't seen them since elm. school. Krystal was in class with me, I believe
in 2nd and 3rd grade and I remember them through 5th grade at HS elm. Also looking
for boy/girl twins Erica and Clint who would be around 12yrs old now, and live(or
used to live) in Georgia. I babysat them and their older sister and brother
in Gwinnett County, just want to see how they're doing!
Jayna <>
USA - Tuesday, October 16, 2001 at 11:24:11 (EDT)

Sorry their names are ED AND EARL please let us know anything about them
e-mail, home address telephone, state and city, anything PLEASE e-mail me with
their info thanks
Ashly Kness <>
loveland, co USA - Thursday, October 04, 2001 at 21:07:26 (EDT)

We are looking for Ed and Earl we don't know their last name, but we got
our e-mail back and they have changed theirs. So if you know it please send
it to us Thanks alot!!!
Ashly and amy Kness <
and Dewey678>
Loveland, Co USA - Thursday, October 04, 2001 at 20:41:48 (EDT)

i lost my twin at birth we were adopted out....i no shes there her name
is sarah....sarah mitchelles
katey <>
halifax, ns canada - Sunday, September 30, 2001 at 15:35:52 (EDT)

I am a quintuplet. Me and my sisters and brothers were adopted when we were
10 yrs old, by the same family. We would like to find our real parents or our
foster parents. We have blonde hair, blue eyes. We range from 5'3-5'5. We are
in the eigth grade. We were born on Sept. 28, 1987. We have lived in 6 foster
homes together, our foster parents names were John and Judy Longley, Sarah and
Michael Gallagher, Carol and Brian Wessnier, Elizabeth and Ross Heliks, Miranda
and Frank Joktor, and Nicole and Michael Frankis. We were adopted through the
'Mothers for multiples' organization, devoted to finding homes for triplets
or higher. Our names in birth order are- Alex, Brad, Catie, Danny, and Elise
Witter. Please respond, or even say 'hi', I'd love to hear from you!
Elise <several>
Houston, Tx USA - Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 23:24:01 (EDT)

I know I have a twin I'm bord in USA on september 24th 1980. I don't know
the name of my parents and the city where I was born but I like to kind my twin
sister. I am 5'4 115lbs blond hair and green eyes
jenkins <>
quebec, qc CAN - Monday, September 10, 2001 at 13:48:08 (EDT)

Hey! I've already wrote once but I wanted this to be closer to the top.
Well I believe that I have a twin. I am 5'3, have brown hair, brown eyes, and
am 130 lbs. I don't know why I feel this way, I just do. If this sounds like
you e-mail me asap!
Amana <>
USA - Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 16:33:57 (EDT)

twins born 09/17/1963 Montreal, Quebec searching for informative on birth
Robert McDougall <>
Toronto, on Canada - Wednesday, September 05, 2001 at 15:48:07 (EDT)

i have a twin but it is a boy and his name is mark my nick name is marnesha
and my twin looks just like me even my brother said so he just live right doen
the street and he told me that we have the same birthday and ours is Jaunary
the 1989 and i have lots of friends.
monique gease <>
pittsbburgh, pa usa - Thursday, August 30, 2001 at 16:04:05 (EDT)

I have dark brown hair, brown eyes, pierced ears (I know my twin does too),
5'2, 110 pounds. My twin and I were seperated at age 2. At age 1 we got our
ears pierced. I went with my dad and my twin has only a mom. If you fit my description
and have the same family situation, please EMAIL me ASAP. I really would like
to see my IDENTICAL twin. My twin could be anywhere in the MIDWEST of USA. I
get hurt for no reason and feel pain. Probably cuz my twin sister is getting
hurt sometimes and I feel it. I have a missing peice. Hopefully somebody found
it. I really really hope my twin is out there living with a mom only. If you
are MEXICAN too and fit the description, it may be you. PLEASE PLEASE email
me. I miss my twin. :( THANK YOU.
Melanie <>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, August 29, 2001 at 17:05:43 (EDT)

I believe my brother (Chris) has a twin out there in the world. Chris was
born in Hendersons, Community Methodist Hospital, on Nov. 29, 1972 at 11:39
p.m. Since leaving the hospital my parents (Charles & Hilary) got the run
around every time they asked for the birth records. Chris at the age of three
talked frequently of having a twin brother named John. At that time my family
had no reason to suspect there might have been a twin. Chris when younger hung
around with the wrong groups, looking back he said that he always felt this
void that needed to fill. In his teen years he suffered from frequent blackout
spells. Upon several of the occations he stated that he saw himself coming toward
him. My parents frantic to help him took him to several doctors the last of
which he was seen by a psychologist and another gentalman. These two gentalmen
rose the first questions of Chris's being a twin. They told him that half of
him came into this world and the other didn't. From there our search to understand
began, along with the questioning weather or not Chris really is a twin. Some
years back my mother (Hilary) managed to get her records minuse the nurse's
notes, Chris managed this as well. There it states Chris's birth being that
of "Baby boy born, resusitation started." Then there is a fifteen
minute gap with nothing and then it states "Baby boy born Viable".
My mother was a nurse for thirteen years so she was able to tell us that resusitation
meant the child was in some kind of disstress when born. Viable meant that the
child was born perfectly health. That's when we really started to suspect that
there might be a twin. Why would they make two different statements about the
same child fifteen minutes apart. Chris has a son who was resusitated when he
was born also. Chris says that in his records there is the statement that he
was born in disstress and needed resusitation. From there they documented every
thing that went on, how he responded to treatments, medications, and not once
did they go back and state that he was born viable. Our problem is that the
records as well as the people involved then lead us to the fact that he is a
twin but do not tell us what happened to the other child. None of us wants any
thing other than to find this missing family member and catch up on twenty-eight
years worth of life. If the child died at birth we just want to know so we can
buy a marker. How ever it is the beliefe of Chris and I that this twin does
exist and is alive and well some where out there. Please if any one can help
us find our Brother please do so, it would be greatly appreassiated. Any information,
suggestion, or ideas will be helpful. Chris and I thank you for your time. Robin
Patmore Henderson, Kentucky
Robin Patmore <>
Henderson, Kentucky USA - Saturday, August 25, 2001 at 16:59:13 (EDT)

I always felt that I might have a twin. I was born on july 29 1985 have
brown hair, some freckles, and blue greenish eyes. They are like yellow in the
middle and turns into blue going outward. It's wierd. If you look like me and
have the same b-day or close, e-mail me!
Angelle <>
San Diego, CA USA - Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 03:04:55 (EDT)

Looking for mother we are twin boys 1967 with norris last name we were told
that born in saskatoon Sask Canada
Grant Norris <>
P.A., sk canada - Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 06:11:04 (EDT)

Im looking for my 12 year old twin. Blonde hair, blue-ish eyes, short. i
was supposedly born on May 12, 1989. thats all i have to say. ciao!
Mary <>
Roma, Vatican City Italy - Monday, July 02, 2001 at 16:21:51 (EDT)

Hi I am Allie and I am a foster kid & that is why I don't have a last
name. I am 12 years old, born in 1989. ive been told before that I had a twin
& i need to find her...I have light brown hair with blond streaks, i have
dark brown eyes & i'm tall. please help me
Allie (No Last Name) <>
Chicago, IL USA - Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 09:02:59 (EDT)

Hope to find some siblings Born 03/23/46 in Salem Ohio
Lana <>
Tx USA - Wednesday, June 27, 2001 at 22:02:42 (EDT)

I was born on March 27th, 1987. I wa adopted and recently nformed that I
was a twin seperated at birth. If you are around 5"5, curly dark brown
hair and dark brown eyes, please contact me. My birth parents were Nicole David
and Chris, who I don't know his last name. I would really like to find my sister
Lily <>
NY USA - Sunday, June 10, 2001 at 09:27:51 (EDT)

DOB 5-15-78, EMAIL!
Jennifer <>
USA - Monday, June 04, 2001 at 01:29:28 (EDT)

Do you have dark brown hair, fair skin,greeny-brown eyes? Were you born
on 21st March 1989. If yes, you may be my twin.
Deborah <>
USA - Sunday, June 03, 2001 at 05:27:25 (EDT)

COLLEEN and DOREEN Harriman (birth name's) You are my cousins and I have
been looking for you. You were born on November 4,1965 in Santa Rosa Calif.
county of Sonama. You were given up for adopition and around the ages of 1 1/2
to 2 years old. Your birth parents names are Allan and Betty (White) Harriman.
The rest of the family would love to get to know you. Anyone knowing anything
about them please email me. THANK YOU
Patti Gutierrez <>
Petaluma, Ca USA - Thursday, May 31, 2001 at 09:36:41 (EDT)

I am searching for my twin sister, DOB @Aug 1946. She may have some of the
same baby photos that I have. She may have been raised in Puerto Rico and she
may also know about me. If anyone knows of a woman that fits this description
please contact me for more information.
Charles "Cappy"
Peters <>
Seattle, WA USA - Saturday, May 12, 2001 at 21:57:05 (EDT)

Okay.. I posted way down there... But I used an old addy by accident. Here
is an update.
Kara <>
oh USA - Saturday, May 12, 2001 at 19:16:30 (EDT)

I am looking for some friends of mine from Elementary School,their names
were Starla and Darla Anderson.I hope you can help me they were really good
Jan Kroll Johnson <>
Corpus Christi, tx USA - Friday, May 11, 2001 at 21:34:00 (EDT)

please all look at my lost twin aunts photos at
see my first album with 4 pics
moncks corner, sc USA - Wednesday, May 09, 2001 at 22:47:16 (EDT)

Searching for identical twin sister, born June 1, 1962. Blue eyes, blonde
hair, 5'7.5". She may have grown up in southern California and may still
be there. She may be a windsurfer and have the initials S.Q. The Q could be
a maiden name.
Karen <>
USA - Thursday, April 26, 2001 at 19:04:13 (EDT)

Hi, I'm looking for my twin. I think my twin might be Stephanie Tanner.
Steph, do you have an e-mail address? If not, there's many websites that will
give you one for free. I have blue eyes, blond hair and very pale skin. PS:
Stay away from I had an e-mail address there but I couldn't
enter it!
Stephanie Buydens <>
Canada - Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 18:51:17 (EDT)

Strange circumstances surrounding my birth, and a strong feeling that I'm
a twin. Born on 15 October, 1975 in Tunbridge Wells, Kent/Sussex, England. Are
you adopted, or with your father but not your mother? If all this rings true
for you, please contact me (I'm not really mean!)
Wallis Eates <>
UK - Tuesday, April 24, 2001 at 12:22:26 (EDT)

Twin females searching for there birthparents,born July 16,1970 at Elmbrook
Memorial Hospital in Waukesha Wisc.Birth mom would be 52 and birth dad would
be 66 now.Birthmom wore glasses for near sighted ness and birthfathercompleted
a full military service.Please email me if this sounds familiar....
Tammy <>
waunakee, WI United States - Monday, April 23, 2001 at 15:21:40 (EDT)

hey... well i found out about a year ago that i was a twin... but thats
all my parents will tell me... i'm 14 years old... i'm born on december 16 1986....
i have light brown hair that gets blond strieks in the summer... blue eyes...
5'2 93 lbs PleZ if this sound like u e-mail me... i lives in Pierrefonds Quebec
ut i moved to ontario 4 years ago Thanx Melissa
Melissa <>
Ontario Canada - Friday, April 20, 2001 at 16:24:22 (EDT)

Looking for Carol and Carla Hickam from Roeland Park, Kansas. They went
to grade school there in the 70's and I haven't seen them since.
Karen Orf <>
St. Charles , MO USA - Wednesday, April 18, 2001 at 11:36:10 (EDT)

My twin sister and I were born on January 22, 1957 at the Rest Cottage in
Pilot Point,Texas and our birthmother had four other children before us and
they were born in the year of 1943 and 1946 and the first set of twins born
in the year of 1948 and then we were born in 1957....we don't know the genders
of the four children she had....If anyone knows any twins born in the year of
1948 and that our birthmother's name is Sylvia T.Dougherty please do let me
know and let them know that we are looking for them ....I had my e-mail address
change and it's not countryducks225@webtv. net. anymore and it's now
Anne Rowe <>
Kilgore, , Tx USA - Thursday, April 05, 2001 at 15:16:38 (EDT)

Searching for twins Stephanie Kathleen and Valerie Katlyn Fee, born 2/26/83.
You were adopted with your brother Jason by a family in Pennsylvania in the
late 1980's. I am your birthmother's cousin. I want to send you your baby pictures
and family medical info.
s sweet <>
houston, tx USA - Wednesday, April 04, 2001 at 12:31:42 (EDT)

Born in Ohio 8/25/75, Do I have a twin? There appears to be a correction
to my birth certificate where it lists that I am a single birth. Also.... my
mom INSISTED on getting the certificate for me when I needed it for my driver's
license. PS Hi Sara.... even if your hi wasnt for me :)
Kara <>
USA - Friday, March 30, 2001 at 20:07:14 (EST)

Hi, I have reason to believe that I have an identical twin out there somewhere.
I'm adopted andi've believed this since I was really little. Everytime I would
say something about it my mom would change the subject. Well anyway I guess
somewhere (if my asumptions are true) out there somebody is looking for me too.
I'm 14 years old. I was born on May 29,1986 at about 3:30 p.m. I am about 5'2"
and about 110lbs. I have brown hair that changes in the summer and brown eyes
that lean more toward hazel. I'm african american but I have a caramel colored
complextion. I was born in Louisville,Kentucky. I always feel like there is
a piece of me missing. I also, have these wierd feelings sometimes too. Like
I feel sad during the happiest times ( like my birthday parties) and I cry for
no reason sometimes too.
Fasha Pendleton <>
Rock Hill, SC USA - Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 19:25:09 (EST)

adoptee we are twin boys looking for b-mother 1967 Saskatoon are in Saskatchewan
Grant & Gordon Norris <>
SK, Canada - Monday, March 12, 2001 at 04:09:18 (EST)

Janice!! Thank you for your e-mail, I think you could be my twin, but I
tried to reply and was told that your e-mail address was wrong. Please e-mail
me again or post a message here!
Tania <>
newport,, UK - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 19:51:17 (EST)

I have never met anyone from my fathers side of the family as my parents
split when i was 2 months old.I am in search of the most obvious of the family
members identical twin uncles.They are ronald and donald moore,possibly born
in the late 40's or early 50's. Known to live in california,washington (state),
and alaska.My grandparents names are doris and james moore,and my father is
roger alexander moore. If anyone has been doing some reasearch and has run across
them please let me know!
aurelia moore <>
everett, wa USA - Friday, March 09, 2001 at 19:51:02 (EST)

I forgot to add in my last message:If you are out there(the girl I met at
the park)and you are trying to find me,or if you were born on January 6th,1987,have
light blue eyes,hair color between dark blond and light brown,and are 5 feet
tall please contact me at my email addy
M.Heath <>
Chesterfield, Va USA - Tuesday, March 06, 2001 at 14:22:56 (EST)

Could someone please help me?I have always had this feeling that I have
a twin somewhere and I think I met her once.I was at this park in Virginia once
and this little girl my age came over to me and started playing with me.And
the more we talked,the more I noticed we were alike.She had blond hair,blue
eyes just like me.She was wearing the same outfit I was,had the same missing
baby teeth as I did and every thing.Her name was Mary,too!(My first name is
Mary)She had to go after a while,though,and I never saw her again.I told my
mom about it and she acted a little nervous when I told her,and then she changed
the subject.Does this mean I have a twin?Any help would be appericiated/I'd
really like to find her again,too.
M.Heath <>
Chesterfield, Va USA - Tuesday, March 06, 2001 at 14:15:29 (EST)

"Im looking for Birth Parent" Twins Born 1963 in Texas,San Antonio..Ricky
& Rudy. Looking for Info and mybe sisters and brothers. I only have the
first 2 names of my mother:Rosa Martha___. We have tan skin and blue/green eyes..Can
anybody help us?
jim brooks <>
Seattle, WA USA - Monday, February 26, 2001 at 23:44:58 (EST)

Chris this is just to let you know that you can not be reached with the
email that you submitted I think I have some information for you please correct
this email address If you see this please contact me . I may be able to help
you find your brothers. I can not reach you at this email address-countryjewel2000>
or this one either - rere1965rere>
Linda <>
Pollok, TX USA - Monday, February 26, 2001 at 22:26:51 (EST)

this is just to let you know that you can not be reached with the email
that you submitted I think I have some information for you please correct this
email address
Chris Breedlove <countryjewel2000>>
Dallas, TX USA - Monday, February 26, 2001 at 22:20:45 (EST)

There was several of us children but after all of us were taken by the Houston
welfare department, my mother gave birth to a set of twins (boy and girl). She
left them with her mother and when my mother returned her mother had given them
away and would not tell her to who. They probably were born sometime between
1961 and 1965.They were living in Houston at the time they were given away.
They were maybe not even a year old yet.I believe their birth names were Larry
and Carolyn Mooney. They are the only siblings that I have not found. Even though
we never saw each other you two are part of us and I will never stop looking
for you as long as I live.If this sounds familar to anyone or if anyone knows
of a way to search without knowing a birthdate will you please let me know?
My email address is
Linda Whisenant <>
Pollok, TX USA - Monday, February 26, 2001 at 20:20:15 (EST)

looking for twins kathren and margret tracey of old lyme ct.
gina DeBona carter <>
southampton, ny USA - Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 19:20:45 (EST)

Looking for my twin cousins, born Dec. 1938 at Michael Reese Hospital in
Chicago Illinois. Father:Jack Witt. Mother:Velma Morris Witt. Twins girls named
Sally Irene and Velma Ilene (may be spelled Eileen) Know that Sally was married
and divorced-Bill Blair. Had a daughter-Wanda. Ilene married to Jim Taggart.
(may be spelled Taggert) Girls were raised in Chicago, but as adults lived in
New York City. Any info. would be appreciated. e-mail to
Carolyn Portner Neace <>
Louisville, Ky USA - Monday, February 19, 2001 at 19:40:30 (EST)

My father had three sets of twins, identical girls, fraternal boys, and
a boy and a girl. I never met nor knew the boy and girl, only knew of them.
They would have been born at Harlem Hospital, New York sometime in 1981 - 1983.
I would appreciate information.
CC Heywood <>
St. Croix, VI USA - Friday, February 16, 2001 at 13:41:25 (EST)

I am searching for my twin/possible triplet sister(s). New Information:
Article appeared in Washington Post Feb. 21, 1946. Photo of triplets (all girls)
were 12 days old and were living in an incubator. There father, Bernard Kessler
(didn't give the name of the mother) were a young couple, living in NW Washington,
DC, who was unable financially to take care of the triplets. All would be adopted.
There were 300 families waiting to adopt. If you were born in '46 and think
you may be a twin or triplet, please visit my website, where I have pictures
of myself and children.
USA - Sunday, February 11, 2001 at 20:04:44 (EST)

Hi, I am looking for my twin sisters born 10-13 or 10-14-1965. they were
born in baytown texas. the doctor's name is Ronald Davis. I have been looking
for about 3 years now, so if anyone has any information please let me know.
pamela busch <>
USA - Friday, February 09, 2001 at 19:11:08 (EST)

hi im trying to find my twin aunts,here is my story . my dad left home in
his teens and never returned home,dads family never knew about me or my
dad was 10 years older then my my have changed his name so no one could
find dad is died now and still do not no anything about my dads family,
my dads name is frank carl hodge he my have drop the s on hodges. dad was born
1928, all i have of dads parents and twin sisters are the photos ,you can see
them at , then were it says to visit album put in this
name lindadavis. please everyone visit my photos please! you can email me at the more people view my photos the chance i have
of finding them. dads parents names are suposed to be carl hodge and mary brown
. the twins all i know are the nicknames ,babe and baby date of twins my have
been in the 30's or 40's thank you linda
linda hodge davis <>
moncks corner, sc USA - Tuesday, February 06, 2001 at 20:07:03 (EST)

Am looking for a set of identical twin boys. Born on Nov.4,1977 at the Regina
General Hospital. They were placed with there adoptive parents between Xmas
and New Years. The adoptive parents I believe were living in Regina at the time.
They were avide curlers. They also have a little girl whom I believe was about
5 at the time. The boys names were Toni Rae and Thomas Arron.
deborah carpenter <>
broadview, sask canada - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 14:01:09 (EST)

I found my twin in a strange way in my neighborhood I was visiting my grandparents
at this place for people over 50 or something and this girl was i guess visiting
her grand parents there but we never talked to eachother and she had a hat and
sunglasses so me or my mom didn't know what she looked like on so any how in
this pool for the elderly anyhow we were there at night and i had jumped in
the pool i guess while i was under water she was in the shower and i went back
under water and she got in since i can hold my breathe for one minute and about
45 secondsseconds i stayed under water she went up and my mom called her and
she was wearing a bathing suit almost identical to mine so my thought it was
me but then i came up and then my mom realized it was my twin.then we stuck
2-gether and when we had to go home we kept in touch severel months later i
got a letter saying the people who had adopted her had died in a car accident
and she came to live with us so i hope u find your twin i know that i was when
i found mine by the way were identical
Good luck
tampa, Florida Usa - Friday, January 19, 2001 at 10:00:07 (EST)

My name is Lanore and I am searching for my brother & sister Todd Scott
& Lauri Ann Cutler. Born to Kay D & Donald J Cutler on Oct 9, 1967.
They were adopted after my mom's death in July of 1970. At that time my father
was not able to care for his children, we were warded to the state of New York.
My self and one brother stayed with my Grandparents and the rest of my family
was put in froster care and soon adopted. I have had the joy of finding two
of my brother, but the youngest have been lost to me for 30 years now. They
were adopted through Child Services in Goshen,N.Y. Judges name was Paul F Murphy.
Social worker MaryAnn Benson.
Lanore <>
IA USA - Monday, January 15, 2001 at 20:36:03 (EST)

Hi, my name is Crys, which is short for Crystal. I was born December 15,
1980 and am now 20 years old. When I was 9, I overheard my mother telling my
older sister that I was born a twin. When I grew a little older I asked my mother
myself about what she had said, but she always tells me she doesn't know what
I'm talking about and that I don't have a twin. I've always felt like part of
me was missing, I think even before I overheard my mother, and I would love
to find out the truth..more than anything. I have medium brown eyes, and medium/dark
brown hair, and I'm rather short at 5'4"-5'5". I also know that the
girls in my family have genetically bad eyesight, boys aren't affected. If this
seems familiar to anyone, please contact me. Thanks:)
Crys <>
IN USA - Saturday, January 13, 2001 at 01:44:39 (EST)

My twin sister and I were put up for adoption and we were born on January
22,1957,in Pilot Point, Texas at the Rest Cottage. The name of the doctor that
delivery us is Dr.Paul E. Weathers.Our birthmother had name us Deborah Lynn
and Denise Elaine Dougherty. Our adoptive parents are Billie Lee and Howard
Evert Thornbrugh. We were told that our birthmother had about four other children
before us and in the year of 1956, they were the ages of 13,10, and the first
set of twins were born in 1948. We don't know what the gender is of the four
children but they were born somewhere in California and New Mexico, and we don't
know for sure if she kept them or also put all of them up for adoption.So if
anyone knows anything about twins born in the year of 1948 and our birthmoter's
name is Sylvia T.Dougherty..Please get in contact with me ASAP...we've been
looking for them now for quite some time now.Thanks you can e-mail me at
Anne Rowe <>
Kilgore,, TX USA - Sunday, January 07, 2001 at 19:44:29 (EST)

Ok I put some stuff in here a long time ago,
but now you have to scroll way down to the bottom to see it, so I'm going to
put it in again so it'll be at the top where people can see it faster. I was
born on July 29, 1983 in Houston, I have strawberry-blond hair, green eyes (were
blue when I was a baby) and I'm about 5'6 now. I never can get a straight answer
from anyone in my family on whether or not I had a twin; my mom always changes
the subject, and my dad just pretends he doesn't hear my question. Plus my dad
is a reject, so I probably wouldn't believe him anyway. I think maybe my mom
couldn't afford two babies at once, so maybe she gave one up. (She should have
waited a while, then she could have given my little brother up instead. haha)
Another thing I was thinking was that maybe I was adopted. Both my parents have
dark brown hair, and my mom has brown eyes. All my grandparents had brown hair,
and even my brother does. I'm the only redhead. So anyway, if any of y'all out
there think maybe this sounds like you, put out a message on this thing and
I'll get back with you as soon as I can!!! Thanks.
TX USA - Thursday, December 07, 2000 at 12:53:31 (EST)

I want to find my long lost twin Christina Rose
i am sorry but I dont know her last name could you please help me find her.
Cathy Henry <>
Rolla, ND USA - Friday, December 01, 2000 at 14:17:12 (EST)

i love my twin sister i have not seen her in
16 years i love her and i miss her i would like to find her more than anything
in the world:( i was bon i usa on march 9.1984 at 11:31a.m. i feel like have
a long lost twin out there floating around somwere oh and my hospitel is fort
sanders in knoxville tennessee.i live in sevierville tennessee for 16 years
now and i have a 14 year old sister but i have another sibling out there and
its my twin i hope so if you think you know me or if you are my twin pleases
contact me at once at (865)774-7816 my name is brittni eldridge the same as
how you say the name brittany like that ok thanks a whole bunch
brittni eldridge <>
sevierville, tn USA - Wednesday, November 29, 2000 at 01:00:47 (EST)

Hi, My two sisters and i have been in search
of our twin half sisters Cindy Lee & Windy Dee, We have been told that they
may have been adopted by their mothers parents, they were born 7-20-59. I was
told they may have been born in New port RI, not sure, they also may have been
raised in Charelston SC, their birth names were Huff and adopted name possibly
Griffin.I know that their mothers first name is Jean.Please, if you have any
info on the whereabouts, E mail me asap ! They have 3 sisters that have dreamed
of meeting them. Thanks, Becky
Rebecca {Huff} Klatt <>
Springfield, or USA - Tuesday, November 21, 2000 at 11:40:07 (EST)

Hi I am looking for my twin brother and sister.
They were born about 28 yrs ago, father John Kirwin. Your mother left my father
soon afterwards. please contact me if this sounds like you.
Ciara <>
UK - Monday, November 20, 2000 at 17:28:25 (EST)

I have a twin siter in A bording school in France.
Thats all i know about her. I dont even know her name!
Katie Alman <>
Roswell, GA USA - Sunday, November 05, 2000 at 11:42:24 (EST)

My husband was adopted as a baby. He was reunited
with his birth father who told him he had twin sisters who had a different mother
born around the same time. They were also given up for adoption. My husband
would like to find the girls. Here is a little information that we know... The
girls were born around 1973 (I think) Born in the Kent or Renton Washington
area. Birth mothers name is Sue Birth fathers name is Jim I know that Jim contacted
the twins, but they didn't want to speak with him. I don't know if they know
about Jason or not, but I hope they would like to meet him. If you might know
of anyone who meets the above specifications please e-mail me. Thank you, Diana
Diana H <>
WA USA - Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 11:16:36 (EDT)

For genealogy purposes, I am searching for twin
boys born between 1926 and 1936 in Illinois, possibly Freeport. The only information
I have is that their mother's name was Florence Buonini (I've also seen it spelled
Buoniney, Buononi, Bounini) She was a violin teacher. Because I have so little
information, I'm trying every possible resource to find them. If anyone has
any information or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
Carole <>
USA - Friday, October 20, 2000 at 13:05:27 (CDT)

Annalisa, I think I am your twin. you are a
year older than me but I herd that rarely but sometimes twins are born a year
apart. I have blueish-greenish-grayish eyes(I heard that sometimes twins have
different eye color). If you, or anyone else thinks I am your twin please call
me at 258-4401.
Stephanie M Buydens
Vonda, saskatchewan Canada - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 22:15:59 (EDT)

Hey I was born in germany on July 16,1988. I
have blond hair and green-brown eyesif this its you please contact me ,i know
i have a twin out there somewhere.
Annalisa Yandell <Hawaiianhoney810>
Mililani, Hi USA - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 16:24:44 (EDT)

hi my brother and i are looking for our twin
brothers that were given up from Terrel texas. born around 10-28-72 i believe
that one of there birth names was Brian Breedlove and the other was Jeff Breedlove
and we were told that they might still be living in texas we just cant find
them if you know if twin men in terrel area or anywere please contact ys they
have so much family that is dying to meet them they have so many nephews and
a great nephew we realy want to get in touch with them please help
chris <countryjewel2000>
east texas, tx USA - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 16:05:09 (EDT)

hello my husband was given up for adoption and
a few years later he had two twin brothers given up also we are trying to find
them born on oct,23-1972 i believe they were given up in terrel texas and the
whole family has been looking for them one of there names is Brian Breedlove
and i think the other is Jeff if you know of them please contact us. we have
been looking for years
marie <rere1965rere>
dallas, tx USA - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 15:55:14 (EDT)

hi my name is shannun and im looking for my
twin....i was born in california ...i have brown hair and brown eyes some what
dark skin i was born in january 1985 if you have any info. please contact me
shannun <>
Frederick, md USA - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 10:05:45 (EDT)

I was born Oct. 26,1961. I believe I have a
twin brother possible name Kenneth allen. Born in Muncie, In. Month and day
could be approximate. I am a white female, brown hair and blue eyes. I believe
he was put up for adoption and could be living any where in the United States.
terri <>
muncie, in USA - Saturday, October 14, 2000 at 00:12:08 (CDT)

Hi i'm looking for my twin sister born on December
2 1986 in Montreal PQ Canada who was given up for adoption at birth. I recently
found out that i was adopted and also had an identical twin sister. I'm 5'5
and 105 lbs, with blonde hair and blue eyes. My sister's name was Kristen. IF
THIS SOUNDS LIKE YOU PLEASE CONTACT ME. I think Kristen was adopted into a family
in the state of New York
Kristie <>
Montreal, PQ Canada - Friday, October 13, 2000 at 15:15:45 (CDT)

HI my name is Alexandra and i'm looking for
my twin. I have brown hair,brown eyes,and brown wavy hair. I was born on July
26 1988 and i think I was born somewhere in Chicago or something. I love iceskating
-Any information? Email me ASAP!!!!
Alexandra <>
NY, NY USA - Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 20:54:17 (CDT)

I was born 1946 and am searching for my twin
sister. Possible places of birth are DC and the Bronx. You can go to Sylvia's
New York Adoption Pae and you will see a picture of me when I was 13 and 18
years old. I am the on the top of the last page of pictures. The time of birth
was supposed to be 1:23 a.m. and I was told that my father's name was John and
he was an Italian from New York. My mother's name was supposedly Elizabeth Spong
and she was 16 years old at the time of the birth. Also, she was supposed to
be a messenger for the British Government. If any of this sounds familiar, please
contact me. Carol Jean
Carol <>
USA - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 20:04:08 (EDT)

hi i have blue green eyes and i am about 5/9-10
i am 14 and i waes born on august 8 1986 i think i may have an identical OR
fraternal twin. if you can help me pleace e- mail me! thanks a million! JOE
Joe Vermeulen <>
Toronto, Ontario canada - Sunday, September 24, 2000 at 12:08:35 (EDT)

Hi im jenna and i am 11 years old and i have
a twin sister that was adopted at birth. My mum had to adopt her because my
father would have killed my mum me and my sister becaue he almost killed mum
when she had me. She kept my sister a secret until she had her and then she
had to adopt her. I know she is 2 minutes older then me and she was born on
25/july/1989. If you know her or are her please contact me. Mum and i really
miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jenna <>
Adamstown Heights, NSW Australia - Monday, September 11, 2000 at 02:48:55 (EDT)

father looking for twin boy and gril name john
david and lorrie ann born san bernadino ca march 1969 long stroy but think mother
adopta out sometime in 1971 to 1974 in riverside ca dont blame if not want talk
me but would love if could here from you
john h kerstetter <slowdancing55>
brockway, pa USA - Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 21:03:46 (EDT)

My twin and i are looking for our birth mother.Born
April 2/73 in windsor ontario.Our names were Gary and Jamie.We are tall with
brown hair and eyes.We were 2 months premature 4.5lbs and 3.8lbs.Thank you!!
Ethan Fletcher <>
london, ontario canada - Saturday, September 09, 2000 at 21:54:51 (EDT)

hi. My name is Bevin. i am looking for a possile
twin sis. We were separated aroung the age of four. My b-day is may 27, 1986.
I have strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. Please e-mail. thanx
Bevin <>
USA - Friday, September 08, 2000 at 01:09:41 (EDT)

I was born, and adopted in Richmond Virginia
in November 1943. My birth mother gave up for adoption twin daughters born approximately
2-3 years before me. If you,or anyone have any information about my twin sisters
........ PLEASE contact me at my E-mail address. Thank you
Michael Kricun <>
Scottsdale, AZ USA - Thursday, August 24, 2000 at 00:26:50 (EDT)

I was seperated at birth from my twin sister.I
was born on July 12 ,1968 in Baltimore Maryland. My mothers name is Margret
Elizabeth Myers. My Fathers name was Robert Myers.I never meet my parents,they
also go unknown too me. If any information, please reply
gina marie myers <>
Baltimore, maryland USA - Monday, August 21, 2000 at 21:41:25 (EDT)

Hello out there. I am looking for my twin girls.
they were born on December24,1966 in California. Multiple circumstances surrounding
there eventual adoption. They Adpoted parents may not have told them about me.
They were taken from me in california to Oklahoma City. I lost trace of them
and any contact with the people who took my children from me. They're father
was killed in an automobile accident.. when the girls were just a few months
old. The Adopted Parents may have told my children I was killed. I don't know.The
adopted Parents of my girls ..were Mr.and Mrs.Dan Wesley Smith.. Adopted Mothers
name was Marie Smith. She worked for the Some Oklahoma Newspaper at the time
this took place.. My girls would have Several other siblings with this family.
If you think you may be one of my girls. Please know that I love you and I have
continuely been searching for you both.. I still have pictures of you girls
when you were just babies and i was sent a handprint of each one.. but never
recieved anything further after that.. Please contact me if you think you may
be one of my girls and would like to get in touch with Your birth Mother. I
would be more then willing to meet you if you would want .Know i never gave
up and think of you girls often. Luv Joan (Balfour) aka (Young) aka (coleman)
Joan <>
Greenwood, IN USA - Sunday, August 13, 2000 at 23:34:49 (EDT)

Hello. I am looking to find my fraternal twin
brother who was illegally adopted. Born August 22nd, 1982 in Montreal, Quebec,
Canada. He is said to be living somewhere in France. His first name is Jonathan
and his adoptive mother's name is Nicole Guillemette. He has blond hair and
blue eyes. Speaks only french. He does not know he has a twin and i don't know
if he knows he is adopted. I am not supposed to know this either. If you have
any information, anything at all, please contact me as soon as possible at
Thank you.
Ashley Marianetti <>
Montreal, PQ Canada - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 04:42:21 (EDT)

I was born at 5:05 at night. what time were
you born again? I live near dalhollow. I don't know if you know where that is
but it is on the line of tennessee and kentucky but I am in tennessee. I used
to have blond hair too! but now it is a darker blond. and I have green eyes.
so write me back! please come to my house!
USA - Monday, May 22, 2000 at 21:16:08 (EDT)

Please im trying to find my sister thats been
gone for 13 yrs now(almost 14)and i miss her so much because ive always wanted
a sister and now im looking for her. please if you have any info. please contact
USA - Saturday, May 20, 2000 at 03:41:40 (EDT)

Hi, I am searching for mu birth family. I was
given up for adoption to the same family along with my sister and my birthday
was listed as 6-06-65... My adopted name is Regina a. Jardel and my twin sisters
name is Elizabeth l. Jardel I was told I was born in pioneers Momorial hosp.
In Brawley ca... I was given non, identifing info and found out that my birth
Mother was married and divorced and the time of our birth and that she was single
and already raising 2 adittional children and didnt feel capable of raising
the additoinal 3.. This is when I found out that I may be a triplet and not
a twin... My sister and I would very much like to Meet our tripplet and or extended
family!!!!! I was also told that our father was single and had 3 brothers he
was 5'10 165 lbs blond hair blue eyes and mother was 5'3 125 lbs brown hair
blue eyes and was born around 1940. we Know that our mother kept 2 of her children
and gave up 3 at the time of My birth...Me, My sister Elizabeth and the missing
link.... please help me find Him/her, thanks and goodluck to all out there who
is looking
Regina Hennessey <>
USA - Friday, May 19, 2000 at 10:11:25 (CDT)

I was born on 6-16-86 and the place of birth
is unknown. I'm now living in Portage, Michigan. I have hazel eyes and blond
hair. I love all sports and any thing thats fun. I know that i was seperated
at birth and that i have a sister.
Katie Verschoof <>
Portage, Mi USA - Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 17:31:27 (CDT)

I'm looking for my twin brother, I was born
8-28-48 birth place unknown, But do believe that we were separeted at birth
in St.John, Newfonland,And i was adopted by Helen "Maschietti" Tanton
and Irlon Lewis Tanton, at which both have passed awaymy mother was living in
Bristol,CT.and i believe that my adopted father was born Feb.14, 1922 and died
at the age of 35 my adopted mom died in 1981,,I have been asked to do a research
on twins from Harvard university but have never met my twin and i am very excited
to met him,, If anyone has any info on this matter please contact me at
thankyou terry tanton
Terrance Lee Tanton <>
Houton, Me USA - Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 13:19:00 (CDT)

Angelica, where in tennesee do you live? what
time were you born? I was born around five 02 at night. I have brown hair, but
it used to be blond. I have green eyes. I live in portage michigan . write back.
portage, MI USA - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 08:56:45 (CDT)

Anna, R U adopted? can I see a pic. of you?
you sound so much like me and I think I might be your twin. I live at 7890 century
drive in tennesee. I luv you and miss you. WRITE ME BACK!love angelicao ya by
the way i was born on july 23 1986
TN USA - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 08:50:06 (CDT)

HI! I am Stephanie. I believe that I have a
younger twin sister. I think this because my mother keeps bringing up the subject
of having a twin sister. She says she is just playing around to make conversation
but she does it so often I am starting to wonder if it is actually true. I love
my mother and trust and believe her. But i am just curious. I am tall, blond
haired, and have blue eyes. If you think this could be you please write me back
a.s.a.p. I would really appreciate and save me from a lot of wonder and depression.
Stephanie Tanner
Kalamazoo, MI USA - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 08:46:29 (CDT)

I am looking for twin brothers that I was told
that I have. I was born out of wedlock 3/24/51. I finally found my dad and found
out that I have 2 brothers and 1 sister by the woman he was married to when
my mother met him. After I found one of my brothers, he told me that he heard
that our dad also has twin boys somewhere. They should be a little younger than
me. My brother has since died and I can't ask my dad about it because his current
wife doesn't know about this situation. If there are twin boys out there is
in their 40s that was born out of wedlock please email me. my dads name is Ray
Wilson. I would love to find my other half brothers. I feel very alone since
the half brother I found passed away. My other half brother and sister doesn't
have anything to do with me (an embarassment I suppose). Please contact me.
Raeleen <>
Knoxville, TN USA - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 01:11:06 (CDT)

Hi, my name is salena I tought that I had twin
'cause my mother always chance the subject when I start talk about multiples,
and I felt like part of me is missing and in our family is many sets f twins.
If you birthday is near 10/15/86 then in might be you he/she might be adobted
somewhere in Scandinavia.
Salena <>
- Friday, May 05, 2000 at 06:26:14 (CDT)

Anna, how can I contact you? Is there a way
I could see a picture of you? Are you adopted? I'm not, but I've never seen
my birth certificate, my mother always changes the subject when I ask if I can
see it. Birthday = December 24, 1986, anyone with close birthdays, contact me
Hanna Miller <>
USA - Friday, April 28, 2000 at 16:57:50 (CDT)

I have always been fascinated by twins from
day one and am wondering if that may have to do with me being a twin. I was
born on March 15, 1978 in Fort Smith Arkansas. I was taken from the delivery
room and black-market adopted before my mother even woke up from the Caesarean.
Even though I was eventually reunited with her, there is a possibility that
another baby was not returned. My mother has admitted to never getting an ultrasound
so she may have carried twins without knowing it. Please contact me if you were
adopted at birth and your birthday is the same as mine. Thank you.
Misty Dawn Elliott-Godin <>
Corvallis, OR USA - Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 03:06:38 (EDT)

Hi i was born on Sep. 15, 1989.I have dark brown
hair and brown eyes. I love football and other sports. I sing really good and
play basketball great. I need to find my twin. If you know anyone please write
back soon.
David Stutz
Portage , mi USA - Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 09:52:41 (EDT)

searching for twin sister born June 1, 1962.
5'7.5", blue eyes, blonde hair. She may have grown up in southern california
and may still be there somewhere. where??
Karen Himmelman <>
USA - Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 00:46:55 (CDT)

Hi I am looking for a set of twin girls born
July 14 1978, Michele Antonette and Christina Lynn.Monroe. I am there 1/2 sister.
Lynn Wesley <>
Deptford, NJ USA - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 20:20:21 (CDT)

anaheim, CA USA - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 18:04:35 (CDT)

Ok down there I accidently put, "If you
were born 2/13/1886" Its supposed to be "If you were born 2-13-1986"
Sorrie about that!!E~Mail me if you think we have anything in common!
Erin <>
USA - Friday, March 31, 2000 at 21:17:04 (EST)

Ian Jason O'Reilley-Connell, born Michael Alexander
Justos on February 19th, 1981, born in San Diego. I have three brothers, my
older brother (about a year older, not sure of birthdate) was named Kyle Matthew
Justos, and my triplet brothers were named Troy Lukas and Sean Charles. We were
placed for adoption when I was under a year old because our mother was an unfit
parent. She had just gotten divorced from our father, and he contested our adoption
all the way, BUT at the time it was practically impossible for any father to
get custody of children. The family that our mother chose made our lives hell.
They DID NOT legally adopt us, because of our father not giving up his rights
they only had guardianship and were going through the process of legal adoption.
We were taken away from them twice. The second time we were not returned. I
was 6 years old at that time and this happened in San Diego, CA. My three siblings
were placed into a foster home together and I was legally adopted alone. My
second "adoptive family" was no better than the first. I was placed
into foster care again at age 8, and stayed in (16 homes) until I was 15. My
siblings, meanwhile, spent only bout 4 months in the foster home, before our
father got them. I guess maybe he could have gotten me too, if it wasn't for
the fact that I was legally adopted off, while my siblings had never been legally
adopted by anyone. Well, that is about all I know, because once he finally got
custody of them I guess he decided to dissapear from public view to keep anything
else happening to his family. :( That leaves me. I know for a fact three things:
1) my birth name. 2) my birthdate and the fact that I am a fraternal triplet
(all three of us fraternal brothers) and 3) my bio parents' names are Karen
Sager (Sager is maiden name) and Stefan Justos. I also know my father was a
private pilot and ex-Navy, but he quit the job he had at the time of his dissapearance.
He was working for R&T Aviation Co. which is headquartered in Nevada and
operates in Nevada and California.
Ian Jason O'Reilley-Connell (born Michael Alexander Justos) <>
Santa Cruz, CA USA - Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 00:53:00 (EST)

had twins may 18th 1947, they said my girl did
notsurvive i believe she did when were you born ? do you feel something missing
maybe you are my daughter please e mail rgwill aol
USA - Saturday, March 18, 2000 at 11:09:38 (EST)

like to know if anyone out there female born
in michigan may 18th 1947 suppects they might be adopted i had twins they told
me one died, i was very young i wonder
g.warren <rgwill4505>
USA - Saturday, March 18, 2000 at 10:37:50 (EST)

We are searching for a set of male twins given
up for adoption 1-16-64 In Lewiston Maine. They were born Steven and Daniel
Malo or Lane, Parents are Eva Belle Hendricks Malo Lane and father is Clyde
Alfred Lane, they were given up through DHS In Lewiston Maine. They are of Irish
and other. So there is a good chance that they may have a reddish tint to their
hair. they may not have been adopted together so they may not know that they
are twins. So if any one was born on this day or in Lewiston Maine Please contact
us. Please, we have found out that they have changed birthdays and birth places
along with the names so if this is even close please contact us.
Becky Tardif <>
Augusta , ME USA - Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 02:07:51 (EST)

Hey there. My twin sister and I are trying to
find Laura and Melanie. We grew up together when they lived in south Africa
when they were kids. Our names are Angela and Candice and would really like
to stay in contact with you guys - here is my email address: angie_hopkins_18@yahoo.comWe
are now 18 and in Matric at school. We hope to hear from you very soon.
Angela <>
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa - Tuesday, March 07, 2000 at 05:23:23 (EST)

White female born February 1961, 5'5" reddish,
blondish, brownish hair & big blue eyes seeks twin sister. Does your face
look like mine? Reply to
Linda Marie Jennings <>
Buffalo, NY USA - Friday, March 03, 2000 at 12:52:10 (EST)

My twin sister and I were born May, 1965. We
were adopted at about three months old. Looking for birth siblings and family.
Helen Hosley <>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Sunday, February 27, 2000 at 12:48:00 (EST)

Looking for Ann & June Thunell who graduated
John Adams High School, Ozone Park, NY in June 1948. Also looking for Doris
& Marie Kjellen who graduated the same school in Jan. 1948. There is going
to be a big reunion in Lake Ronkonkoma in June and we are trying to reach as
many of old classmates as possible. Any information would be helpful. Thanks.
Alice Barthold Gaeta <>
Southern Pines, NC USA - Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 18:56:24 (EST)

I'm searching for my twin sister. She was born
Elizabeth Jane Kurtz on 2/2/61. She was living in Seattle, WA until 1991. If
you have any info, please contact me. Thanks.
Rick Wright <>
Fresno, CA USA - Thursday, February 03, 2000 at 23:34:04 (CST)

My birth name was Justin Alexander Casey, Casey
was my mother's last name, my parents were not married. When my mother gave
me up my father got me, and he changed my name to Cade Alexander Ryerson. My
father's name is Conner Ryerson and and my mother both were from Sacramento
California. My mother is dead now, she saw me just once in my life and that
was at birth. I have a twin brother who is not lost, named Kyle Jon and who's
name at birth was Thomas Samuel. My father also got him at the same time he
got me. Now my father told us that we had a triplet who was given to our mother's
sister by our mother, and because our father could not locate them at the time
she got away with it. He saw our brother once when he was 12, he actually found
them and saw him on the playground at his school. However he could not do anything
and they dissapeared again. The "aunt" is now on trial for child neglect
and we found out that at age 15 my brother dissapeared. The "aunt"
threw him out of the house. Now we have reason to believe that he is in San
Francisco and possibly living with his cousin (the "aunt's" son) who
would be between the ages of 21 and 25 right now. The cousin's name is William
Saunders or William Sanders. My brother might be going by the name Jamie Saunders
or Jamie Sanders, but his full name is Matthew James Gibson, Gibson being the
"aunt's" last name, which should not be his legal last name because
at no time was she his legal parent. If we can find my brother she will go down
for kidnapping. My other twin, Kyle, is fraternal to both of us, our father
was not sure what Matthew was to us but after seeing him he realized that Matthew
is identical to me. Any suggestions on looking for my brother without going
the private detective route? My father is trying that but it seems to not be
working. I feel like I would like to just go to SF and walk around until someone
recognizes me and thinks it's Matthew. :-) Would that work? I have 5 year old
adopted brothers now and they are identical twins but look nothing alike. This
might be because they are growing at different rates. We're 19 so maybe Matthew
and I would be more evened-out? I don't think my brother realizes what had happened
to him and it's unlikely he knows about us. He will at the very least need his
birth certificate and all the other legal papers. Our father gave him the name
Matthew Deacon Ryerson, the name he has been called all his life is NOT LEGAL
and I'm sure he will run into problems eventually with it.
Cade Ryerson <>
Huntington Beach, CA USA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 04:17:28 (CST)

Im looking for my twin daughters who I gave
up for adoption at the age of 2 1/2. Their birth names were Jennifer Ashlyn
and Melissa Leslie, they were born on 8/1/1984. They were born at St.Hunter
Hosp in CO. Their father, whom has never seen the babies but is aware he has
twin girls is named Jon Lee. If anybody can help me please do. Also, I have
3 older children, 2 of whom live with my mother who I do not know where she
is, she fled from KY to Tennessee. Her name is Judith Scott-Murray. My children
are Devin,11 and Thomas, 8. My oldest child, Michelle Catherine is nowhere to
be found. We believe that my sister-in-law took her with her when going to England.
Tracy <>
KY USA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 03:03:38 (CST)

Hello. I'm looking for my 3 sisters who were
all with me at birth. I'm 1/4 of a set of quad's. Me and my 3 sisters were all
seperated at birth, we also had an older brother named Andrew Scott Olivia,who's
now 28. My sister's are Lindsey Janine Olivia, Claire Danyelle Olivia and Elijas
Nicole Olivia, who are all 21 years old. I have contactes Elijas, but we have
no luck in finding Andrew, Lindsey or Claire. Our birth parents were named Russell
Wayne Olivia and Nancy Ann(Webster-birth last name) Olivia. We were born at
Massey Hospital in CO. If you know ANYTHING please contact me! Or Elijas (
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clayten Ryan Olivia <>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Saturday, January 15, 2000 at 02:56:54 (CST)

My name is Hannah Jean Blossom and my twin sister's
name is Sarah Diane Blossom. We were born on December 5, 1980 to Maria Lee Arlington
and Michael John Blossom, in NYC. I was a sick little baby and I went to live
with my aunt, my mother's sister. My father took my sister. I don't know if
this happened because the courts did not let him have me or if he chose to do
it this way because he thought I would be better off having a mother-figure.
My mother gave us up because as you can tell by the last names, she was unmarried.
She died when I was a year old, and she had not seen me, not even once since
I was born. When I was still a baby my aunt moved me and my cousins to Albany
California which is right by Berkeley. In fact I'm a student at UC Berkeley.
I don't know what happened to my father and sister but they never saw me again.
I desperately want to find them. My sister is said to be my identical twin.
Hannah Blossom <>
Albany, CA USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 07:47:40 (CST)

Hi. My full name is Dillan Taylor O'Keefe, and
I'm looking for my twin brother Logan Gray O'Keefe. We were born on 5-15-83
and our mother dumped us at the hospital, after which she left town and got
a divorce from our father. We were raised by our father until we were almost
3 years old. Our mother came back and took me. My brother is still with my father.
My father's name (last) is O'Keefe but I don't know his first name. I have a
photo of myself with my twin and because of that I know that we are identical.
The reason I'm able to be looking for my father is because he is now my only
parent. My mother left yet again and I'm living with my 24 year old half-brother
(my mother's son from a different marriage than I'm from). My mother wrecked
my life but I'm going to fix it by finding my real family. The problem is I
can't get the court records that would tell me where I lived before and what
my father's name is or where he currently lives. I don't know if I'm entitled
to them when I turn 18 or not so I don't want to wait. I'm too young to remember
anything from my childhood that would help me. My older brother says that my
father was originally from California but that is not where my father and mother
lived while they were married, and it is not where I was born. I don't have
my birth certificate anymore so I can't say where I was born exactly, I guess
I should have written that down but I was too young to know to do that. :( I'm
including a photo of me, I hope my brother really does still look like me because
then maybe someone who knows him will recognize the photo.
Taylor O'Keefe <>
Chicago, IL USA - Wednesday, January 12, 2000 at 06:41:23 (CST)

My birth name (first and middle) is Devlin Kyle,
which is the name my father gave to me. My last name was changed and I don't
know my father's last name. I was born on 12-13-83 in San Diego California.
I was a triplet, and our mother died giving birth to us. We were placed up for
adoption, but our father stopped the adoption of my siblings. They were less
healthy than I was and they were in the hospital long enough for our father
to go through the legal process of getting them back. But he could not stop
my adoption and I was gone before the courts would hear him out. As a result
I've had 3 adoptive families who lost custody of me due to abuse/neglect, and
about a billion foster homes. I'm not 18 yet but I'm living on my own now. I
want to find my father and siblings. I do know that I have one identical brother
and one fraternal. I'm placing a link on here so that you can see what I look
like. I know that identical twins do not always grow up looking alike, but it's
a start. The stupid system will not give me any information because I'm not
18, but I'm tired of waiting and I don't see who it concerns since like I said
I don't have anyone to care what I do anymore. The people I live with now are
helping me but obviously they can't do anything about the legal problem of obtaining
records. I seem to have a lot of information about my birth but no names or
concrete locations, which is why this is hard. I already tried placing an ad
in a San Diego newspaper, but nothing came of it. I'm sure that so many years
later he probably moved away. I have reason to suspect he may have been in the
Navy. I know for a fact that he was not married to my mother, and that he was
young... probably in his late twenties. I'm guessing that after I was adopted
off there was no way and no reason for him to try to locate me, which is why
he is difficult for me to find! Does anyone have any suggestions, I'd love to
hear them. Thanks.
Devlin Kyle <>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 13:16:16 (CST)

I have reason to believe I am a twin (possible
triplet). I was born 1946 +/- 2 years. I was adopted in Maryland but don't believe
the adoption was legal. It is possible that my two sisters were together and
I was adopted separately or that we were all adopted separately. In any case,
triplets were born at Sibley Hospital in Washington, DC in Feb. 1946. Could
you be one of them? They were all girls. I have the article and two of them
look to be about the same size but one is very tiny (I was supposed to have
weighed 2lbs and 3oz). The name of the father in the article was Bernard Kessler
(this may be a throwaway name) but did not list the name of his wife. The article
stated that the couple was young and could not financially afford to take care
of the triplets so they would all be adopted out. If you are a set of twins
who were told you were a part of a triplet and one died or you believe that
you may be a twin or multiple and were born between 1944-1948 (the birthdates
tend to change sometimes in the case of multiples who were adopted out), please
contact me at Thankyou, Carol
Carol Shoemaker <>
Jacksonville, FL USA - Sunday, January 09, 2000 at 13:44:08 (CST)

My twin sister and I are looking for our half
twin sisters. My father and Marilyn Miller had Twins Samantha and Robin Barnes
or Miller. They were born 1981 or around that time. I think they were born in
september in Mission Veijo california or El Toro callifornia. They may have
moved back to Chicago Ill, or WInnetka, Ill or an area nearby. They might have
moved back In the early 80's. We havent seen them since they were infants and
now that they are of legal age, we would like to meet them.
Cory Mckenzie <>
Fremont, CA USA - Tuesday, January 04, 2000 at 03:31:03 (EST)

I am trying to locate twin cousins, Shirley
and Charlotte Lashua. They would be in their 50s now (and most likely married)
Last know residence was Gardener Mass
Donald hinds <>
Boston, MA USA - Monday, December 20, 1999 at 16:22:30 (CST)

Searching for my Long Lost Twin Sister for 40
Yr. ----------------------------------------------------- Hi! My name is Barbara
E. Wosleger Riethmiller. I was born a twin. My twin sister's name is Patricia
Ann Bridget Wosleger We were born 05/28/44 @ Kings County Hosp. in Brooklyn,
N.Y. Our parents were John Adam Wosleger (father) and Mabel Banker (mother).
Both deceased. At our birth our parents resided at 349 45th St. Brooklyn, N.Y.
We also had a 1/2 brother, John J. Banker. Pat and I were seperated at age 10
to circumstances I care not to discuss. She was placed in Willow Brooke State
Mental Hosp. in Staten Island, N.Y. I did not see her again until my Sweet 16th
Birthday. I saw Pat one more time at our brother's house. We were having dinner
and something was said, I have no idea as to what. She got up from the table
and left the house. A few seconds later I left but it was to late, she was already
gone. I have't seen her since. I have hoped and prayed constantly and physically
searched for her. I am getting older an my wish is to find my Twin Sister Pat.
If you have any information: Please contact me at:
Barbara E. Wosleger Riethmiller <>
Largo, Fl USA - Sunday, December 12, 1999 at 12:39:27 (EST)

I was Girl Adoptee born 12/19/65 I am told in
Orange Calfornia ,at St. Joseph hospital ,I am also told birth certificates
can be wrong , I am told I am part Kiowa Indian , this may or may not be true
, (I may possibly have a twin.) I am brown skin tone ,brown hair & eyes,
a widow's peak , high cheek bones, oval face , full lip's, I have also been
told that the biological mother was taken out of state to have me , made to
give me up ,and that her & the bio father studied together, that he was
in the navy, possible name sound's like wormy ,any of this could be wrong. I
saw a girl once in the klamathfalls oregon news paper who looked just like me
, several years ago , I was told her name was donna or dawn ,and she possibly
had a butterfly tattoo mine is deonna. Contact thankyou
DeonnaStevens <>
letyouknow, Mo USA - Thursday, December 02, 1999 at 05:02:53 (EST)

I just found out about twin brothers born on
or about 1957. We believe thier names are John & Javier Lopez. We also believe
one of them was in the service and stationed in Arizona. My father's name is
Juan M Lopez. Thier mother's name may have been Grace. I really want to find
them I feel a very big part of our family missing. if this sounds familiar please
contact me.
Jennifer Lopez <>
Laredo, Tx. USA - Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 17:32:46 (EST)

We are identical twins, Heather and Hollie Overton,
born Dec. 15, 1979 at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, Illinois. We are hoping
to locate our birth mother so if this sounds familar, please contact us.
Hollie Overton <>
New York, NY USA - Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 05:50:11 (EST)