"You Can Only Make a First Impression Once. We Make it Twice"!
Debbie Ganz c/o Twins Talent | PO Box 1253 New York, NY 10028 | 1-800 RU TWINS (788-9467) | (212) 289-1777 | twins@twinsworld.com or Billywonka@aol.com

Twinsworld Merchandise

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Original, exclusive cartoon T-shirts, stationery, and accessories depicting the humorous side of life with, or as, twins. Our humor provides an "edge" for times when "cute" simply won't do!

To check out our ever-growing array of designs, or to place an order, visit our Web site at www.twinscriptions.com (or call toll-free 1-877-TWO OF EM for a free brochure)

Double Time Watches!

Click here for information on how to order a watch featuring your very favorite twins!

click here for information on our brand-new 1999-2000 Calendar of Twins!
Click here to find out more about our Book of Twins

We're now offering the Twins Pin exclusively on Twins World. A friend of ours hand-makes each one of these beautiful rhinestone pins and has made them available to us for just $25 for a pair of two pins. The $25 includes shipping and handling. The pin is shown actual size in the ad to the left.
They're the perfect gift for your twin, for yourself and your twin, for parents of new twins, if you're a friend of a twin, or if you just want to be a Twin For A Day.
Call us at 1-800 R-U-TWINS and tell us how many pairs you are interested in.



  © 1999-2009 Twinsworld.com, Debbbie Ganz c/o Twins Talent, PO Box 1253 New York, NY 10028
1-800 RU TWINS (788-9467) / (212) 289-1777 | twins@twinsworld.com or twinsworld1@aol.com