"You Can Only Make a First Impression Once. We Make it Twice"!
Debbie Ganz c/o Twins Talent | PO Box 1253 New York, NY 10028 | 1-800 RU TWINS (788-9467) | (212) 289-1777 | twins@twinsworld.com or Billywonka@aol.com


We at twinsworld.com are giving away our Calendar of Twins and Book of Twins to five lucky winners the remainder of this year (see below for more information on both our new calendar and the Book of Twins). Simply submit a story or experience based on one of these categories: (you may submit under each category as often as you would like)

  1. Funny Twins Stories
  2. Enduring Twin Hardships
  3. We Are Not Your Average Twins- Amazing Twins Stories
  4. Twin Teen Years
  5. Medical Miracles
  6. We Are Twins But We Are Different

Entries can be written by twins or the family members of twins and should be 200 words or less. When submitting your story to us, let us know which category your story falls under. We will pick one winner from August through December and post the winners' name here on this web site. Winners can select whether they would like a book or calendar. You can submit as often as you like and in as many categories as you would like.

Send us your twin story by filling out the below form.
Twinsworld Twins Story (* Required Field)
Name *:
Email *:
Daytime Phone #:
Twin Story
Type of Twin


A Celebration in Words And Pictures
By Debra and Lisa Ganz, with Alex Tresmowski. Photographs by Bill Ballenberg.

The Book of Twins: In a magnificent collection of photographs and original essays, authors Debra and Lisa Ganz provide a rare journey into the secret world of twins. Photographs by Bill Ballenberg.

Now on sale in bookstores everywhere or you can purchase it now via the internet for just $19.25 at Amazon.com.


  © 1999-2009 Twinsworld.com, Debbbie Ganz c/o Twins Talent, PO Box 1253 New York, NY 10028
1-800 RU TWINS (788-9467) / (212) 289-1777 | twins@twinsworld.com or twinsworld1@aol.com